Happy Valentine's Day
1. What does love mean to you?
This is a complex question with a simple yet complex answer. To love things is to enjoy and take pleasure in them, such as a few of my heirlooms and collected pieces. To love others is a command that is not always so easily carried out. Perhaps it can be most easily answered by paraphrasing this command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and others as Christ has loved you."
To be loved is perhaps the greatest of life's joys and to love in return is the greatest joy and life's fulfillment. It is the small things, the giving of one's self to someone else. It is seeing the unconditional love in a child's eyes; hearing them call your name with a great big squeeze. It is having your husband bring in a bird feather he found; handing you a bouquet of flowers along with bags of groceries just because; or picking up his dirty clothes off the floor without being reminded. It is a hand squeeze and a final "I love you" at the end of the day.
Love means a lot of things that simply make life worth living.
2. Is love blind?
No, love is not blind because we are not ignorant of the flaws and shortcomings of others and we don't always 'love' these things; but loving someone does mean we love inspite of. Love is forgiving; love is patient; love is kind. But not blind.
3. How do you remember Valentine's Day as a kid? Do you have any special plans for the day this year?
It meant decorating a Valentine box that would carry my often homemade valentines to be given to classmates, then to carry home all the treasured special cards shared with me. I would sit and look at and re-read the messages for days.
No, we do not have special plans for this day. It will be a regular Wednesday for us.
4. Are you a fan of the movie genre known as 'rom-com'? What's your favorite (or one of your favorites)?
I actually had to look this up. No, I am not a big fan of romantic-comedy movies favoring more mysteries, thrillers, and historical documentaries. I do however have a few favorite romantic movies such as Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, and The Notebook. Do these count?
5. What's something you recently put your heart into?
Reading the Bible through chronologically.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I will be having a total hip replacement on the 20th, a week from the day I'm writing this. It will entail five weeks of doing nothing other than walking a few steps every hour on the hour with a walker, sitting a few minutes each hour, wearing leg pumps and lying in bed. No leaving the house, no rocking, no bending, no lifting, and lots of healing. This might be a good time to fall in love with rom-coms. It will definitely put Dick's love to the test, but he is up to the challenge because he loves me unconditionally as "Christ loves."
Happy Valentine's Day1. What does love mean to you?This is a complex question with a simple yet complex answer. To love things is to enjoy and take pleasure in them, such as a few of my heirlooms and collected pieces. To love others is a command that is not always so easily carried out. Perhaps it can be most easily answered by paraphrasing this command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and others as Christ has loved you."To be loved is perhaps the greatest of life's j...