Wednesday, October 4, 2023

May Family Florida Beach Trip

For some now unknown reason, I never published about our April 29 - May 6, 2023 Family Florida Beach Trip.  Although I posted daily on Facebook what we had done each day with accompanying pictures to prove it, I never compiled it for my blog book.  

So, here goes a very belated record of our amazing week with our amazing family.

April 29: First evening at the beach with the family. We are looking so forward to spending this week with our kids, grands and greats.

Our first full beach day began with Brad, Jackson and Michelle preparing a delicious mid-morning breakfast before we all headed to the beach. It was 57 degrees and wind was 20 mph so it wasn’t a perfect beach time, but fun nevertheless. After naps, snacks, reading, starting a 1000 piece puzzle, making a coffee and cornhole run, we later went out for a fun dinner and another late night together.

Day 3 @ the Beach the morning was perfect for spending time in the sand. Dick and I did our routine walk before joining the family in our Day nest.

Jax still is not sold on the sand but Landon wore himself out and did his own nesting in Mommy’s lap for an hour.

Savannah, ever the domestic princess prepared blueberry muffins, bacon and cheese grits for a brunch in the sun.
We saw neighbor fishermen catch a baby shark which was exciting.
In the evening we divided, with the 2 sisters dressing up and dining together; the two grandparent couples walked to The Perfect Pig Grill and got back in time to babysit and put babies to bed so their parents could have a delightful evening alone before Brad had to return to Dallas.

Our Day 4 Beach Trip started early when Brad learned at 3:30 a.m. that his 3:30 a.m. driver to the airport had cancelled. God had me & Dick awake so we were able to drive him to Panama City in time for his 6 a.m. flight back to Dallas.
The majority of the day was spent on the beach. Both boys decided the cool water and sand could be fun after all.

The evening was spent on a different beach for professional Day Family pictures and a gorgeous sunset. You will find them at the end of this post.

The final 2 Beach Days were rather slow and relaxing. The girls went shopping, ate the best delivered pizza, shopped some more and ate leftover pizza. Thursday night the Day family had a special night out for Mother’s Day and birthdays while we had an evening with Chandler and Landon. Friday, the girls went to Rosemary Beach and the boys saw a movie. Then we all celebrated with Mexican food brought in while gathering all our belongings into 4 different vehicles for an early morning departure.

This truly has been a blessed time together with our family, for which we will forever be grateful.

Our group reluctantly parted ways this morning leaving nothing undone, nothing unsaid, and love unshared. Until next time!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.

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