Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Patriotic Hodgepodge

It's another Wednesday and thanks to the unfailing faithfulness of Joyce at
we again have interesting questions to answer.

1. It's been said the best things in life are free...are they?

No, not all of the best things are free.  My salvation cost more than anyone else could pay.
What are some of those things? 



Rare, not to be repeated or forgotten moments




2. Stars or stripes?   Stripes
Red, white, or blue?   Red
Apple pie or home made ice cream?   Apple pie topped with home made ice cream
Do you like hotdogs?  Not especially
If so, what do you like on yours?   Mostly just chili.  Not a big fan

3. One thing on your summer bucket list? Any plans to make it happen soon? 

To visit the Southwest Art Gallery in Dallas to see the

And yes, I do plan to make it happen.

4. What's your summer anthem? Yes, you need to have one. 

One of my favorite soloists, Leontyne Price singing "Summertime" from Porgy & Bess

5. What's something you love about America? If you live outside of America, tell us something you love about the place you call home. 

That we have the freedom to pray this prayer for our country.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

It's another Wednesday and thanks to the unfailing faithfulness of Joyce atFrom This Side of the Pond,we again have interesting questions to answer. 1. It's been said the best things in life are free...are they?No, not all of the best things are free.  My salvation cost more than anyone else could pay.What are some of those things? SistersMemoriesRare, not to be repeated or forgotten momentsHugsFriendshipsThis2. Stars or stripes?   StripesRed, white, or blue?   RedApple pie or home made ice...

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It's a Pinky Wednesday Hodgepodge

It is so good to be back with my fellow Hodgepodgers this week.
Thank you Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond for giving us some interesting questions to ponder.

1. What's something that reminds you of your grandmother? Tell us why. 

This was my precious "Mama."  Anything gentle and good is a reminder of her, because that is what she always represented.

I have numerous items that belonged to her but this little box is dear and I keep it out where I can see it.  It also holds some of my own childhood jewelry items.

2. Is your life currently more 'moonlight and roses' or a little more 'every rose has it's thorn'? Elaborate. 

I'm thinking 'every rose has it's thorn' because I may have bitten off more than I want to chew.  I was asked to finish out the term of Secretary on our HOA Board.  Along with being responsible for the dues assessment and minutes, I have the quarterly newsletter.  And guess what, July begins a new quarter.  So, the 'rose' would be wanting to make a contribution to our Village, and the 'thorn' is spending the time required to do it well.

3. June 23rd is National Pink Day...favorite thing you own in any shade of pink? Favorite thing found in nature in any shade of pink? Your favorite pink food or beverage? Your favorite shade of pink? 

I think I've mentioned this before, but I am not a pink gal.  My skin tone is yellow and my temperament is not pinky sweet.

My favorite pink thing that I own would is the pink box pictured above.

Favorite pink thing found in nature would be the nose of a kitty cat.

Favorite pink food is shrimp and/or salmon cooked to perfection.

Favorite shade of pink would be in the coral family.

4. Last thing that had you 'tickled pink'?

Getting HOA Architectural Committee approval to have a patio poured in our little yard.


5. What are two or three words that describe your style. 

My style is Classic.  I dress conservatively but fashionable.

Personality wise, I would be considered Dominant or Choleric which tends to go along with being a Classic.

My temperament dictates a "Let’s Get It Done Now" or as I often am heard to say, "Just do it!"

We Choleric are big-picture people who are quick to act. Much to some people's displeasure I tend to be controlling, independent, and strong-willed.  Less typically, I am not outgoing, but have a take-charge style whose primary concern is results.

That being said, the Holy Spirit is always faithful to remind me that I am not actually in control and that I should leave the results to the One who is.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Ava Grace, our youngest granddaughter performed in the North Dallas Performing Arts production of Peter Pan this past weekend.  She played multiple roles, but we saw her play the role of 'Slightly', one of the Lost Boys.  She did a great job as did all the kids.  There is such tremendous talent among these young people.

Her solo was excellent!

She also played Adult Wendy in alternating performances.

And that is one reason why we live here!

It is so good to be back with my fellow Hodgepodgers this week.Thank you Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond for giving us some interesting questions to ponder. 1. What's something that reminds you of your grandmother? Tell us why. This was my precious "Mama."  Anything gentle and good is a reminder of her, because that is what she always represented.I have numerous items that belonged to her but this little box is dear and I keep it out where I can see it.  It also holds some of my own child...