Saturday, December 26, 2020
Wishing all of you a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead.We are still in the moving process and will be for the unforeseen future. Actually, we closed on our new home in Plano, Tx last Wednesday and delivered our first car loads when we went over for Christmas on Thursday. The actual moving will happen Monday and then the fun of unpacking all these boxes we have labored over for weeks, will begin.I told Dick, it will be like Christmas with every box. They are labeled but who k...
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
I really do not have time to participate in the usual Wednesday Hodgepodge this week. I actually don't foresee having much time to blog at all in the next several weeks. I did want to give a quick update on what has transpired in our lives lately since deciding to move to the Dallas area to be near our daughter.As my husband is a realtor, we decided to have an Open House in our gated community before we listed it. The first person to enter, a young man engaged to be married next summer and...
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Thank you Joyce for this week's Hodgepodge questions. 1. It's Mickey Mouse's birthday (November 18)...happy birthday Mickey! He reads here, right? Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney superfan or something less than that? They're open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip?I have never been to Disney and regret not taking our children when they were small; however, I have absolutely no desire to go at this point. I am not...
Sunday, November 15, 2020
This old table also belonged to Gin's mother-in-law and the little rocker was used by her two now grown sons and grandsons.
Sarah is the artsy and crafty artist of the three of us. She created and surprised Gin with this pretty welcome sign made from an old rescued board. The colors introduce the color scheme for the rest of the porch. The large rock at the bottom was also painted by Sarah several years ago. She is so talented.
And this is the culmination of lots of planning, doing and loving on our sister. As this will be our last visit together before I leave the state, it was a bittersweet time. It was a lot more sweet than bitter though.
In one of my posts last week I mentioned that we would be having a sister's get together this past weekend at our middle sis's home in rural south Louisiana.Gin's 1,250 ft. back covered patio was in need of some freshening up, so Sarah and I were all over that idea.Gin and Thomas's heavy solid wood patio furniture was made by skilled prisoners at the renowned Angola Prison many years ago. There is no doubt the furniture will outlast them, but it all needed a good coat of paint.The coffee table...
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Welcome, I’m Libby

Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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Home Sweet Hodgepodge2 hours ago
Today’s News for Women over 506 hours ago
Dressin' Up22 hours ago
18 Spring & Easter Tablescapes23 hours ago
Style Showcase 2851 day ago
Monday Musings No. 1631 day ago
Photograph6 days ago
You Are Not Your Thoughts4 weeks ago
January and February Prime Purchases1 month ago
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your subscription now.2 months ago
Little Stories – Little Dabbles Part II3 months ago
BIG NEWS!4 months ago
Review of Clara Sunwoo Designs4 months ago
Spring Tea Party11 months ago
My Famous Banana Bread1 year ago

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