Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday Medley - Happy Halloween!

Happy Birthday to me tomorrow!

In the meantime, it is fun playing along with blogging friends for
and thank you Terri for hosting on this Halloween Day.

It is all about Halloween!

How to 
How to Trick or Treat in the South

1. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final person left, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?

I would be the skeptic I think.

2. While watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time or the person who falls asleep?

I'm really not any of those.  I don't watch scary movies to begin with and when I did, I would have been the gasp-er.  I still do that when startled.

3. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?

Not at my age for sure, and truth be known, probably would have never taken anyone up on that dare.  I was never one to take up a dare.  When I was a child, we had an old, old house near us that was a hospital during the civil war.  It was rumored that ghosts from that time still haunted the place.  I didn't put much stock in the stories and loved exploring the house and grounds.

4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

I just don't have any favorites.  The only scary movies I really recall seeing was "Psycho,"  "The Birds," and "Sixth Sense."

5. Favorite horror or Halloween-themed song?

Bobby Pickett's "Monster Mash."

6. Tell us something random about your week.

Hubby and I have spent the past two afternoons taking pictures of clothes from Hudson House for future blog posts.  I am not a model and he is not a professional photographer, so it is always challenging for us.  But, I think we work together really well and we get it done.  I look forward to posting these in the weeks ahead.

Today, we were invited to a new friend's house to take pics.  We have gotten to know each other at the gym and she was so sweet to offer her lovely home and yard.  Here is just a preview of an outfit I will be showing with our hostess.  I even got her to model for us.

Thank you, Sarah for hosting us today.

Happy Birthday to me tomorrow! In the meantime, it is fun playing along with blogging friends for Wednesday Medley, and thank you Terri for hosting on this Halloween Day. It is all about Halloween! How to  How to Trick or Treat in the South 1. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final person left, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?I would be the skeptic I think. 2. While watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the...

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Hudson House Style - FALL #1

Hudson House Fashions
I am happy to again bring you fashions and outfit ideas from Hudson House Boutique in Shreveport, Louisiana.

We are beginning to see signs of Fall in our area so it is time to think about how to put together some clothing items for the season.

Jan has stocked several nice print knit pants for Fall.  I will be showing several of them in the weeks to come.

For this outfit, I combined one of my own turtlenecks in a burnt orange with these colorful pants.  I also added a great lightweight black jacket from Hudson's.  This jacket is perfect for early fall weather, especially here in the south.

I love the details of this jacket.

  The brown cuff gives a nice contrast to the sleeve and is repeated across the shoulders.  The length is so nice with these knit pants.  I will be showing it with a totally different look in a few weeks.

 This is such a comfortable, casual outfit and perfect for introducing fall.

 We added this beautiful necklace as the only accessory.  It makes such a nice statement and is only $21. 

Another great option is this gorgeous scarf.  The colors and design are dynamic.

I wish you could see the embroidery and stitching details and actually touch this soft, cozy fabric.


The Fashion Boutique of Hudson House is located at 3118 Gilbert Drive in Shreveport, La. The Boutique has dressed women in Shreveport for over 20 years and continues to offer unique clothing and accessories.




Hudson House Fashions I am happy to again bring you fashions and outfit ideas from Hudson House Boutique in Shreveport, Louisiana. We are beginning to see signs of Fall in our area so it is time to think about how to put together some clothing items for the season. Jan has stocked several nice print knit pants for Fall.  I will be showing several of them in the weeks to come. For this outfit, I combined one of my own turtlenecks in a burnt orange with these colorful pants.  I a...

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Saturday 9 Halloween Edition

Linking with other bloggers for...

Saturday 9: "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Theme

This week's song was chosen because this is the last Saturday 9 before Halloween. Are you unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was born in England. Name another pop culture contribution England has made.

The most well known group of course would be the Beatles

2) This week's song is recognized as the theme to Hitchcock's long-running TV show, but "Funeral March for a Marionnette" is a classic piece written for piano in the late 1870s by Charles Gounod. Do you often listen to classical music?

No, not any more

3) Janet Leigh's shower scene in  Hitchcock's Psycho is considered one of the scariest sequences ever filmed. What's the most frightening movie you've ever seen?

I wish I could remember.  I don't watch scary movies, but I'm sure there have been scenes in movies that would have been quite frightening.

4) Hitchcock admitted that he "never trusted birds," and he took that fear and turned it into the movie, The Birds. Is there a member of the animal kingdom that just gives you "the creeps?"
Image result for rats images
No words required!

5) Halloween will soon be upon us. Will you carve a jack o'lantern this year?


6) What candy will trick or treaters get at your house?


7)  When you went trick or treating, did you prefer fantasy costumes (like a storybook character) or scary ones (like a monster)?

I did not dress up at all

8)  Which candy was your favorite?

Candy corn

 Which one were you disappointed to find in your trick or treat bag?

Our trick or treating in rural Louisiana in the 50's was a community event and not something we did door-to-door.

9) Which do you find scarier -- cemeteries or haunted houses?

Cemeteries are not scary to me and I stay away from haunted houses.

Linking to

Linking with other bloggers for... Saturday 9: "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Theme This week's song was chosen because this is the last Saturday 9 before Halloween. Are you unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.1) The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was born in England. Name another pop culture contribution England has made.The most well known group of course would be the Beatles 2) This week's song is recognized as the theme to Hitchcock's long-running TV show, but "F...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday Medley - Blessed to be Content

Thank you Terri for giving us this medley of questions to answer on our Wednesday blog.  To see how others have answered the questions click on Terri's link below.

This was my God gift yesterday morning as I drove home from the gym.  Truly a "Heavenly Sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine."

On this day theme...

1.  On this day in 1908, Billy Murray hits the charts with his “Take Me Out to The Ball Game”.  Did you watch the MLB playoffs, and are you watching the World Series?

No, we aren't big fans of baseball although our son played from the time he could be a bat boy until he messed up a knee playing intramural baseball in college.  I do watch the college world series when LSU is playing. 

2.  On this day in 1962, “The Manchurian Candidate”, directed by John Frankenheimer, starring Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey, was released.  What is your favorite Frank Sinatra song? 

There are so many such as "Come Fly With Me," "Stranger in the Night," "Fly Me to the Moon," "New York, New York," but of all these, "Night and Day" would be my favorite, I guess.

This video is from the 1943 movie where it was first introduced.

3.  On this day in 1968, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful were busted for pot and released on £50 bail.  Has your state approved the sale of medical marijuana?  In a nutshell, what are your thoughts on the subject?

Yes, in 2015 Louisiana made it legal for physicians to prescribe medical marijuana for a restricted but ever growing list of maladies.  Recreational use is not legal.  Right now, there are only a limited number of doctors who can prescribe and a limited number of pharmacies who will carry it. 

I have mixed feelings about this based on the fact that Cannabis oil has been used successfully in a number of cases.  Perhaps if I had pain to the degree that some have, I might try it topically, but that would be the only form that I would use it.

4.  On this day in 1979, the Guinness Book of Records presented Paul McCartney with a rhodium disc as the all-time best-selling singer-songwriter. What is your favorite song by Paul McCartney?

I was never a Beatles fan so don't have a favorite by Paul McCartney.

5.  On this day in 2017, Albert Einstein’s “Theory of Happiness” written on a note as a tip for a bellboy in 1922, sold for $1.6 million.  His Theory of Happiness is:“A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.”   Was Einstein right?

I think he was.  To me finding contentment, whether living a calm modest life, or seeking success, is the goal to be achieved.  Being content in a state of constant restlessness is an oxymoron.  Not possible! 

I read this in an article just this morning, "Materialism has been linked to depression, social anxiety, decreased well-being, lower life satisfaction, and compulsive and impulsive spending.  The failure of money to buy true happiness shows that the Bible is right to warn us:  "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have."  (Hebrews 13:5).

So yes, I agree with Einstein's Theory of Happiness.

6.  Tell us something random about your week so far…

I will back up to the weekend if that is alright.

We attended Grandparent's Day with our youngest grandchild, Ava Grace who turned 12 last week as well.

 Ava Grace attends Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Tx and is in the 6th grade.  She is very involved in a number of activities such as dance, acting, sports and is part of the Middle School Honors Choir.

She is adored by both sets of grandparents and neither of us has ever missed one of her Grandparent's Days.

That night, Friday, she and her best friends celebrated their 12th birthday together as is their tradition.

The parents are also good friends so this is truly a triple family event every year and they go all out.

Instead of gifts, the girls asked that their invited friends bring gift cards to be given to City House to help the homeless kids of Collin County.

They are learning early from the example of their parents that it is "more blessed to give than receive."  The parents recently participated in the huge City House Gala where the goal of $250,000 was not only met but exceeded.

And may you have a blessed rest of your week.

Thank you Terri for giving us this medley of questions to answer on our Wednesday blog.  To see how others have answered the questions click on Terri's link below. Your Friend From Florida This was my God gift yesterday morning as I drove home from the gym.  Truly a "Heavenly Sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine." On this day theme... 1.  On this day in 1908, Billy Murray hits the charts with his “Take Me Out to The Ball Game”.  Did you watch the MLB playoffs, and are you...

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Wrapping Up the Mid-West

Last week I shared with you our journey through Kentucky on our way to Northern Indiana.  You can find those two posts at the following links:

By Friday, we were eager to get to Indiana to see our family there.

All of our weekends were spent going to college Rugby and soccer games to see our grands play, which we always enjoy doing.

The first weekend was up to Grand Rapids, Michigan to see Jackson play against a very intimidating Davenport University Rugby team.  And it wasn't pretty.  Not pretty for us at all.  But our Big Boy did score and played hard.

He doesn't come down easy!

On our way home after the game, we took a detour to the small Lake Michigan town of 

 We had a delicious lunch at a local diner overlooking this beautiful lake, then began exploring this quaint village.

The most unique shops lined all the streets and we could have spent two days looking at all of them.

We did enjoy this particular store.

But, the highlight of the day was meeting and visiting with the artist who owns one of the art galleries, James Conner.

He is such a delightful man and was eager to share the story of his life and his testimony of what Christ means to him with us.

This is the sketch that gave him his start as a professional artist.  At the age of 16 and going through a difficult time in his life, he painted this picture of the head of Christ.  A man saw it and paid him $200 for it.

Several years later, a package was delivered to his doorstep containing that same original painting.  The owner had died and his son found the artwork and wanted James Conner to have it along a note that said, "I am returning this for posterity."

James took this seriously and began reproducing it and now sales at least one in some form every day.

I brought one home with me.

Check out other paintings by this former minister and amazing artist.

This was my favorite painting because as I told him, it could take me anywhere.  He agreed!

The following day, we went to Angola, Indiana to watch our granddaughter, Savannah play soccer for Trine University.

Their new Mini Goldendoodle, Skye loves to watch Savannah play and doesn't miss a game.

We had two more weekends of traveling to see games and each was enjoyable and fun.  And, our handsome son, John, was a great chauffeur.

But another highlight while we were there was getting to celebrate Mary-Elizabeth's 18th birthday.

Her best friends helped her celebrate and made the evening so much fun.  Our M-E is such a ray of sunshine and loves everyone.  She is a joy!

Dick and I toured the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkart, IN one day.

This particular vehicle has an interesting history.  The owner had it personally designed and restored on an original GMC motor home chassis for a meager $500,000 but his wife rejected it because it didn't have a stove.  Nothing, other than a stove, was left undone in this remodel.  It was beautiful.   

This was Mae West's traveling vehicle used as a bribe to get her to leave Vaudeville.  It is said she would often sit on the back porch and read.

We always make a trip to Shipshawana while in Indiana.

Fall was definitely in the air in this small Amish community.  We wished we could have brought home one of each of these huge, beautiful plants.

We weren't ready to leave, but home always calls.  We look forward to being in the winter wonderland of Northern Indiana again for Christmas.

Last week I shared with you our journey through Kentucky on our way to Northern Indiana.  You can find those two posts at the following links: Cumberland Falls Shaker Village By Friday, we were eager to get to Indiana to see our family there. All of our weekends were spent going to college Rugby and soccer games to see our grands play, which we always enjoy doing. The first weekend was up to Grand Rapids, Michigan to see Jackson play against a very intimidating Davenport Univers...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday Medley Oct 17, 2018

I have missed being part of the Wednesday Medley the last few weeks, so come join in with us.  Thank you Terri at Your Friend From Florida for hosting us each week.


Image may contain: table and indoor

1.  The Circleville, Ohio, Pumpkin Festival starts today.  All things pumpkin are everywhere. What is your one very favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink?  Do you wish it was available all year or do you only want it in the Fall?

I am not a big pumpkin lover so I don't have a favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink.  I don't mind a pumpkin flavored candle burning for a short time, but even that scent can be overpowering.

I do however, like the color pumpkin and enjoy using it in my house as well as on my body during my favorite season.

2.  What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?

My Mary Kay facial products

3.  What is the most interesting thing you have seen online this week?

There are so many.  I tend to be a conspiracy theorist or at least an interested one.  There are a lot of things going around about a Red October that I have found very interesting.  But, perhaps the most recent interesting news is Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results.  My dad used to tell us that we were part American Indian but there is absolutely no sign of that in my DNA tests.  However, I am 65% English so am wondering if I might just have some royal blood back there somewhere.  Nope, don't think that is a possibility either.  Have you done DNA testing?  Were you surprised by the results?

4.  Is it better to be a "big fish in a small pond" or a "small fish in a big pond"?

Interesting question.  I think there are times that both could be beneficial but also a deterrent to being all one could be.  I think it is the self perception when one sees themselves in either of these categories that could be the problem.  An over inflated ego would see themselves as a "big fish" and, a lack of self esteem or confidence could cause one to see themselves as a "small fish."  On the other hand, the first could be an opportunity for one to step up and be an humble example to others in the pond; in the latter, a chance to prove oneself capable and worthy of the big pond.

Long answer I suppose to say that I think it more healthy to not see oneself as a fish in any pond, but an instrument of God to accomplish His will where ever He puts you.

5.  My Joe has become obsessed with playing chess on the computer.  Do you play chess?  Are you good at it?

No, have never played and not interested in learning.  We do enjoy playing some other games on the computer and iPad though.

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

Today happens to be our youngest Grand's 12th Birthday.

We will be in Dallas on Friday for Grandparent's Day at PCA and can't wait to see her.

Then that night these three besties will celebrate all their birthdays together, which has been their tradition for years.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ella, Chandler and Ava Grace.

Having gotten home and settled after our 3-week trip, I have spent time on the computer updating my blog posts.  I love going back and posting fun things we do on our travels.  It not only may interest someone else but is a record for us to keep and enjoy for years to come.

My two posts this week about traveling through Kentucky can be found at the following links should you have missed them and want to travel with us.

I have missed being part of the Wednesday Medley the last few weeks, so come join in with us.  Thank you Terri at Your Friend From Florida for hosting us each week. HAPPY FALL FROM MY HOUSE TO YOURS! 1.  The Circleville, Ohio, Pumpkin Festival starts today.  All things pumpkin are everywhere. What is your one very favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink?  Do you wish it was available all year or do you only want it in the Fall? I am not a big pumpkin lover so I don't have a fav...

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Kentucky Trip: Shaker Village

This is a continuation from yesterday's blog of our trip toward Indiana.  That post can be found

I mentioned that we met new friends while at Cumberland Falls, the Ashbys.  Knowing we were headed to Shaker Village, they insisted we have lunch at Boone Tavern in Boone, Kentucky on our way. 

It was only a wee bit out of our way, but so worth the detour.  Boone is a college town and the school is much like The School of The Ozarks in Branson, where students can attend tuition free if they work.  It is a lovely town and Boone Tavern is such a lovely place with delicious food, served by the friendliest of young people.

When we first thought about including Shaker Village in our itinerary as we made our way to Indiana, we knew very little about the place.  My limited research did confirm however, that it was a place we would enjoy spending some time.

 And it was!

This will definitely be a picture and information overload, but I don't know how else to share this fascinating place with you and keep a record for myself as well.


Shaker Village is now a non-profit organization that opened its doors to tourists in 1968.  Today, they still welcome thousands of visitors there to honor the legacy of the Kentucky Shakers who blazed their own trail more than 200 years ago.

The buildings are all original and have been restored to pristine condition that reflects the quiet life of this fascinating part of our history.

Who were the Shakers?

They were the largest and best-known communal society in America in the 19th century.  The movement began in New York shortly before the American Revolution and by the 1840's there were nearly 3,500 Shakers. In 1805, a group came to central Kentucky and established a village on donated land they named Pleasant Hill.

Their way of life was a peaceful one.  They were celibate, believed in equality of race and sex, and freedom from prejudice.  Their lives were lived based on simplicity and perfection and this is reflected in their fine designs and craftsmanship.  The Shaker name is still synonymous with excellence.

Although the population at Pleasant Hill peaked at almost 500 in the 1820's, they thrived well into the mid 1860's until the Industrial Revolution led to their decline.  The last remaining few woman lived here until the early 1900's.

The society was divided into five communal families, numbering from 50 to 100 members.  Every family had its own dwelling house, shops, barns, gardens, and orchards.

Kentucky Shakers no longer exist, yet their lasting influence is a legacy to all who visit this beautiful place.

The family dwellings were named according to their location.  This is the East Family Dwelling and our home for two nights.  It was built in 1827 and housed at one time as many 100 men and women.  We happened to be the only bodies in that big otherwise empty building our first night.

Notice the two doors.  Men entered in the left and women in the right.  Normally and in all the other buildings, this was reversed and the reason for it in this dwelling is an interesting story.

Once inside there was an open hallway.  The men's rooms were on the left and the women on the right.  And ne'er the twain shall meet!  Our room was the first on the right (unseen).

The rooms were spacious and very clean.  The indoor plumbing was up-to-date and quite adequate.

All of the door hardware is original.

We found these lights in all the buildings and learned that when candles and oil lamps were the only source of light, the Shakers designed this so that it could be raised or lowered on pegs depending on how much light they needed.  So ingenious!

Our view was of the gardens and farm and so pretty.  The walls were two feet thick.

This was the kitchen for the East Family and most cooking was done in this huge fireplace.
Notice the chair?  We learned that the Shakers believed that cleanliness was next to Godliness, so they hung their chairs on pegs for reasons other than being able to scrub the floors.  They were hung upside down in order that the dust would settle on the bottom of the seat instead of the top.  How smart was that!

I climbed to the tiny fourth floor to get this picture overlooking the grounds surrounding the East Family Dwelling.  The yellow building was their Wash House where all washing, drying and ironing took place.  This is also where the women of the East family would have bathed.

This building was the East Family Sister's Shop where they would have done all their own sewing, spinning and weaving, and other work that needed to be done for the large family.

The sisters tended to hundreds of silk worms and cocoons housed on the second floor, from which they harvested fine quality silk thread.

This would have been the East Family Brethren's Shop where they made furniture and other wooden objects needed throughout the Village.

When the Shakers lived here, this would have been a main road.  It was the only road to get from Nashville to Louisville at that time, so very, very busy.  The "World" (people other than Shakers) could enter the buildings on the left side only.  Today, it is a walking path to get to the main buildings on the grounds.

This building, The Trustees' Office would have been one of the buildings the World could have entered.  The Trustees were the legal and financial leaders of the community, and this held their offices.  It also provided overnight lodging for an non-Shaker who came to visit.

It is now called The Trustee's Table because it houses the restaurant.  All food served here is "from farm to table' and delicious.

Notice the ceiling in this picture.

One of the highlights of the Trustees' Building is the magnificent twin spiral staircases on each side of the entry hall that winds up three floors.  It was designed by one of the residents, Micajah Burnett.  The left would have been for the men and right for women.

The small building on the left was the Post Office.  It is now a gift shop.

Another of the buildings that would have been open to the World was The Meeting House.

Again, notice the two doors.  But, once inside both men and women worshiped together.

And this is how the Shakers got their name.

 Our guide explained that the Shakers' worship was very charismatic and they would get rather rambunctious as they danced to they hymns, even to the point of fainting.  Outsiders began calling the early worshipers "shakers" because they would literally shake the buildings.

Dick was very fascinated with the written music.

Because of all the shaking, the outside walls of the building had to be doubly reinforced, so I went into the attic to check it out.  Sure enough it was constructed by hand with enormous beams and supports. 

While in the attic, I took a picture of the Centre Family Dwelling across the street that is undergoing restoration.

This is the largest building in the Village.  It's footprint is 6,000 sq. ft. but the total square footage is more than 21,000.  It has 100 windows, 70 doors and walls 2 ft. thick.

I think we will need to return when the work on this building is compete.

These are the Water House on left and the Brethren's Bath House on right.

Pleasant Hill was the first western Shaker village to have a public water system. Water was pumped by horse-power from a spring to the 19,000-gallon reservoir on the second floor of the water house. The water then was gravity-fed to the kitchens and wash houses in the Village.

Imagine the weight on these large stone columns and beams.

These poor Brethren depended on this one little stove to heat water and this space for bathing.

The West Family Dwelling was built in 1821.  Like the other Family Dwellings, it was used primarily for eating and sleeping.

All the work took place in other buildings.  The yellow building was the Wash House, the brick on the right was the Sister's Shop.  In between was the little Preserve Shop.

Preserves and canned goods were shipped all over the world at one time.  The village took advantage of the river and the well-traveled road to get their products shipped to buyers.

At one time, the Shakers owned 4,000 acres and it all was bordered by these amazing stone walls.  Skillfully constructed, they are still standing after 200 years.

After walking and touring the grounds and buildings, we wanted to see more of this beautiful place from a different vantage point.

This is the very same landing the Shakers used.

Here the Kentucky River is now a very quiet and flowing river with steep, scenic gorges and limestone outcroppings.  It wasn't always this quiet.  It was at one time a source of livelihood for the Pleasant Hill Shakers and expeditions ventured as far as New Orleans.  It also brought soldiers to the area during the Civil War.

Getting to and from the river was an adventure all its own.

This scenic roadbed was built in 1826 and is a 400-foot descent.  This sometimes harrowing, narrow one-way roadway takes you through rock formations between 400 and 450 million years old. 

The Shakers were known to evangelize where ever they went and one such example was a man from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Being our home state, this caught our attention.

Our day ended with a delicious dinner at the Trustee's Table as we shared memories of the past three days and how gracious God is to allow us to see His amazing world.  We were also so grateful for the beautiful people He put in our path; the Ashbys, the tour guides who take their jobs so seriously and delight in sharing the history of this place, the friendly ladies who served us all our meals, and most of all the the pleasure of each others company.

But, God wasn't finished blessing us.

We arose to the most amazing sunrise and were so grateful we got to stay in the East Family Dwelling.

The day began on a Kentucky farm and ended at the home of our Indiana family.

Thank you God for this blessing.

This is a continuation from yesterday's blog of our trip toward Indiana.  That post can be found HERE I mentioned that we met new friends while at Cumberland Falls, the Ashbys.  Knowing we were headed to Shaker Village, they insisted we have lunch at Boone Tavern in Boone, Kentucky on our way.  It was only a wee bit out of our way, but so worth the detour.  Boone is a college town and the school is much like The School of The Ozarks in Branson, where students can attend...