1. What pets did you have while growing up? Tell us a little something about them.
My dad loved animals so we always had at least one dog and maybe a cat along the way. The pet I most remember was a big black lab we named BeeBo. He was such a sweet and gentle dog. One specific incident I recall was him bringing a baby bird to my dad - held gently in his big mouth. The tiny bird had fallen from its nest and Beebo knew instinctively that Dad would take care of it.
2. What is one thing you absolutely must accomplish today?
As I answered these questions in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, 2AM, that will be my today. There are several things that must be done on this Tuesday as I will be leaving to spend a couple nights with my sister who will be having cataract surgery this morning. I must attend my 5:30 AM Pilates class (didn't make it because I was blogging at 2AM); finish the floors that I didn't get done yesterday - check; pack - check; help Hubby make a Chicken Pot Pie (he did it all by himself because I was busy); go to our first handbell rehearsal for the Fall - check; then get on the road before 2PM. Actually, there were some must-do errands to be run in there somewhere, but you get the picture.
3. Where were you ten years ago? What were you doing there?
In 2007 I would have been working so would have been at home this time of year. I would have definitely been anticipating having all our family together in our new house for Thanksgiving.
My goodness how these grands have grown in these ten years. So much has happened.
4. September 26th is National Dumpling Day. Did you celebrate? Apple dumpling, xiao long bao (steamed Chinese dumpling), chicken and dumplings, pirogi, matzoh balls, or gnocchi...which dumpling on this list would be your dumpling of choice? Have you ever made homemade dumplings of any kind?
I did not celebrate and not a big dumpling fan. Of the ones on the list, it would be gnocchi. I do like Olive Garden's chicken gnocchi soup. No, I have never made dumplings and that is not on my bucket list.
5. 'There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find an adventure and those who go secretly hoping they don't.' William Trogdon
So which kind are you?
The most simple unexpected thing can be an adventure for me. I enjoy a good adventure and as a child, dreamed of having all sorts of exciting happenings. So, I think I would be the former, truly hoping to find an adventure.
6. Insert your own random thought here.