Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Castles and Shacks

We have to admire and abundantly appreciate Joyce for taking her busy, busy time to give us Wednesday Hodgepodge this week. 
She is busy moving into a new house, so thank you, Joyce.
1. Besides your very own house, describe a place where you feel most 'at home'? 

I could say my children's and sister's homes, or the home of some of our friends, but I think I will say my car.  I'm in it every day and love the way it drives and rides.  I have the seat set to fit just me at the push of a button.  The XM radio is set to all my favorite stations.  I have three pairs of sunglasses and all I might need on long or short trips in reach.  So, my car is my home away from home.

2. When did you last 'hit a home run' with something? Explain. 

Back years ago when casseroles were always on the dinner table, Chicken Divan was one of our very favorites.  I had not thought about it in years until Hubby mentioned it last week.  It sounded so good that I had to pull out my stained and faded recipe and make it.  Oh my goodness, let me just say, it was a definite home run. 
3. Tell us about something you love in your house or kitchen that is 'homemade'. 

I guess the only things in my house that are 'homemade' would be my paintings.

4. 'A man's home is his castle'...which of the world's ten most captivating castles (according to The Travel Channel) would you most like to visit and why-

Mont Saint-Michel (France), Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Glamis Castle (Scotland), Windsor Castle (England), Chateu de Chambord (France), Hampton Court Palace (England), Prague Castle (Prague), St. Michael's Mount (England), Leeds Castle (England), and Swallow's Nest (Ukraine)
 This was not an easy or quick question to answer because I was really not familiar with all of these.  After doing a google search on each one, I have selected the Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany).  Why?  Because of its sheer beauty both inside and out; in fact it is known as the "Fairy Tale Castle."
5. What's a recent or upcoming plan or project that's required you do a little homework before getting started? Did the homework cause you to abandon your plan or adjust it in some way?

A friend has asked me to do a painting for her to dress up her recently updated guest bathroom.  I had to see the room, measure the wall space for size of canvas, discuss with my friend colors and what she envisions, then shop for the canvas.  At this point, the plan is still evolving.

6. In your opinion, is homework an unnecessary evil or a valuable practice? Should schools be done with homework? Why or why not? 

I have some mixed feelings about this.  I do think some homework is required; however, I feel the amount some teachers/schools demand is extremely overdone.  My sister is a first-grade teacher and speaks often of the lack of parental involvement in the child's education.  This makes requiring young children to do things at home without parents participation is redundant and defeating for the child.

7. Share a favorite memory of your childhood hometown. 

Until my mid eighth grade year, I lived in rural south Louisiana, or better known as Acadiana.  We had a fun Mardi Gras tradition where children would be loaded on the back of a flat bed truck and driven around the country side.  At each home, we would jump off and sing "Ta, ta, the Mardi Gras, give us a chicken and we'll go home."  The homeowner would go catch a chicken, ring its neck, put it in grass sack and give it to us.  This was not my favorite part.  But at the end of the trip, we would take the chickens back to the local school where there would be huge pots of Sauce Piquant and rice cooking.  The whole community would come together and share food and fun.
8. Insert your own random thought here. 

In contrast with the castles in question 4, let me share where Hubby and I had lunch last Friday.
 I know!  This is not a place we would have ever noticed much less enter.
A couple weeks ago there was an article in our local paper about this place that evidently got a lot of attention.
 Located about 12 miles from our home, Shank Cat's is in an old school building around 100 years old.  The paint has peeled off substantially, giving it the look of something from a movie set from the '40's.
Edwin "Bobo" Scott has operated this Southern barbecue place for the last 15 years.  The land and building were left to him by his grandmother for whom the restaurant is named.  Bobo doesn't remember how she got the nickname, Shank Cat, but he decided to name his place in her honor.

Once inside, the decor does not improve, but one could call it country comfortable.  There is nothing fancy here at all, but once you step inside and are greeted by the friendly folks and taste the food, you forget about all the other.

They are open Thursday through Saturday, 11 - 3:00.  We had "melt-in-your-mouth" delicious ribs - thus the sign that advertises "No Teeth Required!"
 We will be going back for sure for the Ribeye and baked potato on Thursday.  Hubby loved the soft tea cake cookies and I look forward to tasting their banana pudding.

Sometimes the best things can be found in a hole-in-the-wall place in the country.  It sure was for us at Shank Cats Shack.  But, if you require silver, crystal, and linen napkins, you may want get a take-out.

We have to admire and abundantly appreciate Joyce for taking her busy, busy time to give us Wednesday Hodgepodge this week.  She is busy moving into a new house, so thank you, Joyce. 1. Besides your very own house, describe a place where you feel most 'at home'?  I could say my children's and sister's homes, or the home of some of our friends, but I think I will say my car.  I'm in it every day and love the way it drives and rides.  I have the seat set to fit just me at the push of a bu...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

These are my answers to this week's
Hope on over there and see how everyone else answered theirs.

1. What would you say is your strongest sense? 

I think it would be sight although I do wear glasses.  I am very observant of things around me.

2. Do you believe in the idea of a 'sixth sense'? Why or why not?

I do believe some can have a sense of impending danger or that a situation is not exactly right.  I prefer to think of this as intuition and discernment that comes from the Holy Spirit.  However, since sixth sense is most often associated with the supernatural, I prefer to leave it alone.  Satan and his angels are very much alive and active and I choose to not give them any credit other than for evil.  "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."

3. When do you most feel like a slave to time? Explain.

When trying to get a blog post ready.  That is my only deadline these days.

4. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? How would you rate the experience? If you could own a restaurant what kind would it be? 

I have not worked in a restaurant and have never had a desire to do so.  I would never own a restaurant.

5. Ever traced your family tree? Share something interesting you learned there.

I have been a member of for a few years and have enjoyed going back and finding ancestors on my dad's side and also my husband's.  My mother's family published a quite large and detailed book several years ago of their ancestry line.  One of the things I learned about my father's great grandfather is that he was a keel boat captain.  I have original legal documents proving that nature (wind and high water) and not him, were responsible for sinking his loaded boat in a river tributary off the Mississippi.  Reading how the sinking took place and what he and his crew had done to try to prevent it was very interesting.  No kings and queens in my lineage!

6. What did your childhood bedroom look like?

I shared a bedroom with my sister two years younger.  It was not a fancy place at all, but I did have something pretty laying around and lots of books and art materials.

7. Anyone who knows me knows I love_______________________?

My Grandchildren!

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Based on the previous answer, what else would you expect my random thought to be?

Granddaughter's HS Soccer team won their Regional tournament and now to take it all the way to state.  Way to go Kingsmen!

Grandson's undefeated Western Michigan University Broncos moved up four (4) points on the AP/USAToday poll this week after winning over Akron University on Sat. 41-0.  They zipped the Zips for sure!

Last Friday, we attended our littlest granddaughter's Grandparent's Day at Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas.  I am so grateful her parents make the sacrifice to send her to this outstanding school where she receives the best of a holistic education.  There were over 2,000 grandparents and great grandparents in attendance.
 We are some proud grandparents!

These are my answers to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Hope on over there and see how everyone else answered theirs. 1. What would you say is your strongest sense?  I think it would be sight although I do wear glasses.  I am very observant of things around me. 2. Do you believe in the idea of a 'sixth sense'? Why or why not? I do believe some can have a sense of impending danger or that a situation is not exactly right.  I prefer to think of this as intuition and discernment that co...

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Grandkids Movin' On Up

Thank you Joyce for fitting in time for the
Wednesday Hodgepodge this week with all you have going on.
1. What would you say is the best and worst thing about moving house?

Having a clean slate to start over.  For us it meant simplifying our life with only the possessions we really loved and treasured.  Of course there are certain things that evoke no emotion and are kept for utilitarian purposes.  But for the most part, moving into our new home was a new beginning for us.  We have loved every day (nine years of days) that we have lived here.

2. What's moved you recently?

Physically, I have been moved to return to Pilates classes.  My body demanded it!
Spiritually, I have been moved by the reminder that God has all this political mess under His control and that He will be glorified in the end.

3. Do you feel your life is moving forward, backward, or is on hold? How so?

Some days I feel I move a few steps forward, then I take steps backward.  Most days though, I'm afraid I am on hold right now.  And not in a negative way.  I try to learn something new or stimulate my mind daily, but I'm not out tackling the world and making giant steps of accomplishments.

4. On the move, move mountains, get a move on, it's your move, or bust a move...which phrase best applies to some aspect of your life right now? Explain.

"Its your move" most applies to me right now.  I am one of the photographers for our church directory.  I've taken the pics, now it is my move to get them edited and turned into the church office for publication.

5. What song makes you want to get up and move?

I can't think of a single one.

6. Your favorite snack to grab when you're 'on the move'?

A protein breakfast bar.

7. What one accessory makes your house feel like home?

I love the affect of lamps, but the one item I think would be the large picture over our mantel.
We both love it.
8. Insert your own random thought here. 

As you may or may not know, our grandson plays football for Western Michigan University.  For the first time in school history they are now rated in the top 25 teams in the nation.  They have broken so many school records in the past two years.  This past Saturday night, they made an amazing play that was the #1 play nationally on ESPN.

It was a great one-handed catch by Corey Davis.  But, you must watch all the way to the end so you see our Big Boy #65 run into the picture.  He plays left guard.

Granddaughter #4 plays soccer for Penn HS in Indiana and they are now rated #4 in the nation.  They start the play offs this week.  Geaux Kingsmen!
Seniors - Granddaughter is #33
Our youngest Granddaughter, #6, will be playing the role of Gladys in "The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever" put on by "Creative Arts for Christ" at the Charles W. Eiseman Center for Performing Arts in Richardson, Tx on Nov. 25 and 26. She will no doubt steal the show in our estimation.
So, my random is a brag board today.

"Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ."  Ephesians 1:3

Thank you Joyce for fitting in time for the Wednesday Hodgepodge this week with all you have going on. 1. What would you say is the best and worst thing about moving house? Having a clean slate to start over.  For us it meant simplifying our life with only the possessions we really loved and treasured.  Of course there are certain things that evoke no emotion and are kept for utilitarian purposes.  But for the most part, moving into our new home was a new beginning for us.  We have loved...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What Not to Wear or Would You?

This Monday morning I was blog hopping and one particular post caught my attention -
"What Sweater Not to Wear to the Office."

When I was doing work-place seminars, I had a presentation on "What Not to Wear to the Office."  So naturally, the previously mentioned blog sounded interesting even though I no longer dress for the office. Thank goodness, hallelujah, Praise the Lord, etc!

There are many fashions that seem to be acceptable today whether for the office or not that a few years ago would have been totally taboo.

I found a few of these, so lets see what you think.

Would you wear them?

This is the sweater trend that the initial blog post suggested should stay out of the office.
The see-through or cold-shoulder sweater.
 Would you wear it?  Maybe with a shell or camisole under it?

This outfit has so much not right about it.
 First of all, I don't understand the gray patches on the shoulders and cuffs.  The see-through peak holes are so ill advised for the woman over 20; however it can be yours for $750!
And that skirt!  I suppose when a skirt gets too old or too tight, just rip off the waist band and cut a slit up the front.  I find it hard to believe someone is going to pay for this but they will.

While on the subject of denim, do you ever cuff your jeans?  I never have and really don't care for the look.  But I see it often.  What do you think?
 Silk slip dresses were the thing on many fashion blogs for spring, and the slinky piece is sticking around for fall as well. This gown is on sale at KOHL's right now for $40.00.
Think how versatile it could be.  You can sleep in it, wear it to garden wedding, or combine it with all sort of accessories for this look.
What do you think?
Would ja, could ja!

Should none of these excite you for fall then perhaps some of these outfit combinations will inspire you.  I kid you not, these were among the best outfits recommended for fall last week by designer Lauren Eggersten.
 And the item to top off all your fall outfits might be this velvet-bow enhanced pair of shoes
 for only $755.

All of these would fit into my category of
"What Not to EVER Wear"!

But, what about you?  Did you see anything that will find it's way into your fall wardrobe?

"Rest your hope fully on the grace that is brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 1:13

This Monday morning I was blog hopping and one particular post caught my attention - "What Sweater Not to Wear to the Office." When I was doing work-place seminars, I had a presentation on "What Not to Wear to the Office."  So naturally, the previously mentioned blog sounded interesting even though I no longer dress for the office. Thank goodness, hallelujah, Praise the Lord, etc! There are many fashions that seem to be acceptable today whether for the office or not that a few years ago...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fall Trip Roundup and Family Highlights

Since we aren't having the Wednesday Hodgepodge today, I thought I would show some of my random pictures from the recent trip to Indiana via the Smokey Mountains.
 Our cabin in the clouds in the woods.
 For some reason, I wasn't interested in seeing a salt & pepper museum, and wondered who might be.
 There were three wedding chapels near where we stayed.

The day we arrived in Indiana, our Granddaughter #3 had a soccer game.  She told her friend that since her grandparents were going to be there, she was going to score a goal.  Now you have to understand that she plays midfield on defense.  Not offense.  Would you believe that little 5'2" doll actually made a goal!  We were so excited!

I thought this was the sweetest thing.  Our granddaughter and her best friend are seniors on the soccer team.  Their younger sisters who are also best friends, made this sign for their big sisters.
"#27 and #33 on the field, but #1 in our hearts!"
 By the way, their team is rated #1 in the state of Indiana and #4 in the nation.  How about that!
 This is the team poster featuring the five senior players.  Granddaughter is 2nd from left.  They could each be a model.

We were able to see a couple of our Big Boy grandson's football games.  The first was played at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.
Western Michigan is a Division 1 school in the Mid America Conference (MAC) and Northwestern is in the Big Ten Conference.  It was so exciting to see our boys beat the larger school quite handedly - 34 to 10.

It was so good to visit with him a little while after the game.
 I love the relationship Big Boy has with his two younger sisters.  They love each other dearly.
For the first time in school history, the Western Michigan Broncos are rated in the top 25 in the coaches ranking.  We are 5 and 0 and slated to win the MAC Conference this year.  Too bad they won't be playing in the Bahamas Bowl again this year. 
And this is our handsome grandson!

Hubby and I took a day trip along the Lake Michigan shoreline to South Haven.  It was a lovely drive and the small town was delightful.
  This was the hopping place that morning.  They have every delicacy one could possibly want.
 The lake and beach here are beautiful.  This long pier and lighthouse are no longer being used, but reflect years of maritime history.
I saw this outside one of the lovely lakeside homes.
We took the less traveled country road on the return trip and it took us through hundreds of acres of vineyards.  We learned that these grapes are grown for some of the wineries in the area.

On our last day with our family in Indiana, we had brunch at a Cajun restaurant before seeing  "Wicked" at the Morris Theater in South Bend.
 My beautiful girls in front of the Irish/Wicked green fountain.
 This completes our trip except for the memories that didn't make it to the camera.

Since we aren't having the Wednesday Hodgepodge today, I thought I would show some of my random pictures from the recent trip to Indiana via the Smokey Mountains.  Our cabin in the clouds in the woods.  For some reason, I wasn't interested in seeing a salt & pepper museum, and wondered who might be.  There were three wedding chapels near where we stayed.   The day we arrived in Indiana, our Granddaughter #3 had a soccer game.  She told her friend that since her...