Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Wedding Weekend!

The weekend we have long anticipated is here!

Saturday will be a very special day as our granddaughter and first grandchild,
will say
"I Do!"
to her very best friend,
and become
Mrs. Cunningham .
Yes, I have the dress and all the fixings to go with it.  I know some of you were as concerned for a while as I was about that.

I can't wait to show you pictures of the big event, hopefully next week.

In the meantime, we will be the happy maternal grandparents.

The weekend we have long anticipated is here! Saturday will be a very special day as our granddaughter and first grandchild, Chandler will say "I Do!" to her very best friend, Bradley  and become Mrs. Cunningham . Yes, I have the dress and all the fixings to go with it.  I know some of you were as concerned for a while as I was about that. I can't wait to show you pictures of the big event, hopefully next week. In the meantime, we will be the happy maternal grandparents....

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Cassidy!

I knew you before you were born.  I watched you grow inside your mom's ever extending body.

I was blessed to see you emerge from that body and it was love at first sight.
It continued being a love story as I witnessed your tender feelings conflict with a strong will to persevere.
I loved you as the organized, orderly, everything-in-its-place side of you developed while trying to accept a life that wasn't always so balanced.
 It has continued to be a love story as I have watched you emerge ever so carefully into the gorgeous butterfly you are today.
 You finished High School early and set goals for your future.
It has been a time of learning to trust your wings and now is the time to test them.

You used to say you would never leave your mother.
But, look at you now.  A University of Texas sophomore!

You have proven that those wings are capable of carrying you to unexpected heights and we can't wait to see what comes next.
And the love story continues!

I knew you before you were born.  I watched you grow inside your mom's ever extending body. I was blessed to see you emerge from that body and it was love at first sight. It continued being a love story as I witnessed your tender feelings conflict with a strong will to persevere. I loved you as the organized, orderly, everything-in-its-place side of you developed while trying to accept a life that wasn't always so balanced.  It has continued to be a love story as I have watched...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ending on an Oasis

 It is that time and Joyce has again come up with some interesting if not thought provoking questions for us to contemplate.
To see how other bloggers answer these, hop on over to Joyce's blog and scroll down until you see the list.
1.  Did you make someone laugh yesterday? Was it intentional?

As I am writing this blog on Tuesday afternoon, the only people I saw on Monday besides Hubby were the ladies in my Pilates class.  Since that class meets at 5:30 AM, there isn't a lot of levity going on.  And, I don't recall saying anything that would cause Hubby to laugh, so I guess my answer is No.

2. What's a simple question with a complicated answer?

"Where do our taxes go?"

3. Rhododendrons or have to choose. Are either currently blooming in your yard?

Azaleas!  The flower of the south.  Other than the Magnolia of course, but you didn't ask that, did you.  No, the azaleas are not blooming right now but the rhododendrons in my neighbor's yard are.  Now, how about that for a simple question with a complicated answer?

4. May 21st is National Waitstaff Day. Have you ever worked as a waiter/waitress? How would you rate the experience? What was the best/worst part of the job?

I have never worked as a waitress and never aspired to.

5. What fashion trend for women should be outlawed? How about one for men?

Three of the women's fashion trends for Spring 2015 according to Glamor are:

Baby Doll Dresses

 outlandish hats
 and sheer clothing.

I personally think all of three of these should be outlawed along with crop tops and a few other things.

Now, for men?  THIS!  I kid you not!  Straight from the Milan runway.
6. Name a writer who inspires tell us why.

The late Chuck Colson's books are very inspiring.  I find Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling" a daily inspiration.

7. What well known quote or saying sums up your plans for today or this week?

"On the road again!"

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Last weekend after our visit with friends in College Station, TX and witnessing our granddaughter's graduation from A&M - recap of that is HERE,  we drove down to Austin, TX to visit with one of my first cousins.

Jackie and I are some of the few remaining cousins from a family of ten. Her dad was #9 and my mother was #10.

Although we haven't seen each other in several years, we have remained in touch.

She and Danny invited us to visit them in their new, lovely home in Austin and since we were so nearby last weekend, we decided the timing was perfect.

They live in the beautiful hill country of Austin and on the renowned
University of Texas Golf Club course.
Saturday afternoon, they took us on a driving tour of the city which we had never seen.
We enjoyed seeing the UT campus where our Granddaughter #2 is attending and other sights in this capital city.
I was captivated by this downtown building's interesting architecture. The new among the old!
We dined on Lake Travis at the largest outdoor restaurant in Texas, The OASIS.
 It has earned the reputation as the Sunset Capital of Texas. 
Located on a cliff 450 feet above Austin’s Lake Travis and some gorgeous homes,
the 30 thousand square foot restaurant and multiple dining decks overlooking the Lake, can accommodate as many as 2,500.
People were every where waiting for the sun to set and the ringing of the big bell.
It was a beautiful night and the sunset was amazing.
 The next morning, we enjoyed a time of worship together and lunch afterward with a group of Danny and Jackie's friends before heading back home.
 Thank you Danny and Jackie for a wonderful visit and we look forward to doing this again.

It is that time and Joyce has again come up with some interesting if not thought provoking questions for us to contemplate. To see how other bloggers answer these, hop on over to Joyce's blog and scroll down until you see the list.   1.  Did you make someone laugh yesterday? Was it intentional? As I am writing this blog on Tuesday afternoon, the only people I saw on Monday besides Hubby were the ladies in my Pilates class.  Since that class meets at 5:30 AM, there isn't a lot of levity...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Howdy, Farewell, Reunite Weekend

Howdy New Aggie!
 On Friday night, our oldest granddaughter, Chandler walked across the stage of Reed Arena on the Texas A&M Campus and became our very own Aggie graduate.  She will make an amazing Lower Ed teacher and we can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use her to touch little lives.

Celebrating with Mom and Sis, Four of her Siblings, and Grandparents.
The proud parents of the couple
And in two weeks we will be saying
"Hello Wedding!"

Hello Farewell Until
While in College Station, we stayed with some of our oldest and dearest friends, Dr. and Mrs. Derry Magee.  That is Derry on the left above with Hubby and friend Bill back in 1967.  Derry served on the staff in the School of Veterinary Medicine at A&M for many years.

Derry is in the final stages of cancer and we won't see him again this side of heaven.  So, it was a blessing for us to have this precious time with them.  As Derry told us, "I'm ready.  I know I won't have to cross Jordan alone."

When that time comes Derry won't be alone because he knows he will be spending eternity with his Heavenly Father.  That is how one should be able to face death.

He is ready, but we aren't ready to let him go.  But Derry, we will see you again.

Hello Cousins Reuniting
On Saturday morning, we drove down to Austin, Texas to visit one of my few remaining first cousins.  Jackie and I have remained in touch through the years but haven't actually seen each other in many years.  She and Danny recently bought a home in the beautiful hill country of Austin and invited us to visit.

I will talk more about this visit on Wednesday, but for today, I'll just say "Thank you Danny and Jackye for your warm hospitality and wonderful visit.
It's not what We have in life, But who we Have in our life That matters | Summer made this with

Howdy New Aggie!  On Friday night, our oldest granddaughter, Chandler walked across the stage of Reed Arena on the Texas A&M Campus and became our very own Aggie graduate.  She will make an amazing Lower Ed teacher and we can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use her to touch little lives. Celebrating with Mom and Sis, Four of her Siblings, and Grandparents. The proud parents of the couple And in two weeks we will be saying "Hello Wedding!" WHOOP! Hello Farewell U...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Hodgepodge of ???'s

It's Wednesday so I am linking up with Joyce at
1. When is your next big deadline? What's it for?

When I retired from an administrative position back in 2011, I swore I would never live by deadlines again.  However, I have found that there will always be a deadline for getting some things done and I do work best under self-imposed stress.  So, my next big deadline is Thursday of this week.  I need to get my house in order to be left for a few days.  I never like coming back into a house that needs cleaning after being away.

2. May is National Barbecue Month. Do you prefer cooking indoors or out? What's the best thing about a barbecue? What's the last thing you cooked on an outdoor grill?

Although Hubby and I have a nice outdoor grill, we seldom use it.  Neither of us excel in the area of outdoor cooking and we don't eat much red meat, so the majority of our cooking is inside.  The last thing we cooked was probably chicken and veggies.

3. What is one thing on your "never again" list?

Water skiing!
4. What's something that annoys you about people your own age? Something you love about your generation?

The thing that annoys me about some old people my age is that they think they are old.

I love that most my age are content with themselves and where they are in life.  They still strive to excel and be all they can be but they are comfortable in their skin and confident.  We no longer have the need to impress or do what's necessary to move up the ladder.  We've made lasting friendships, we don't have parenting concerns and are for the most part financially secure.  We still love adventure but above all else have found contentment.

5. Lilac, iris, hyacinth, pansy...your favorite purple flower?

The purple iris has always been my favorite flower.

6. Whats a song that always calms you down?
"The Majesty and Glory of Your Name!"

This is perhaps one of the most anointed contemporary pieces of worship music because it is scripture and takes one's thoughts of him/herself and turns them toward a majestic God.  When that happens, it doesn't matter what is going on in our life at the time because all focus is on the Almighty Creator God who is worthy of praise and honor.

7. What's the last thing you donated?

I took two sets of bedding to Goodwill a few weeks ago.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

One of my favorite magazines is Architectural Digest and in my recent issue were some beautiful bedrooms.
As I looked at these pictures, I wondered if I could start over, with money no object, what would I want my master bedroom to look like?
From these examples, which would you choose?  I'll let you know my choice at the end.
So, which of these would you want?
My personal favorite is #5, but I could sure feel regal in #6.

It's Wednesday so I am linking up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for 1. When is your next big deadline? What's it for? When I retired from an administrative position back in 2011, I swore I would never live by deadlines again.  However, I have found that there will always be a deadline for getting some things done and I do work best under self-imposed stress.  So, my next big deadline is Thursday of this week.  I need to get my house in order to be left for a few days.  I never...

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Friday to Recall

Yes, last Friday was a day worthy of remembering and I hope you don't mind my sharing it with you.
Girl Friends Rule!
Last week I mentioned that I and a group of long-time friends planned to get together.
We met on Friday at the lovely lake home of one of the group.
Long-time friends, Lea, Dottie, Nancy, Carolyn and I had the best time catching up on friendships that have spanned over 40 years.

Thank you Dottie for hosting us!  What a great time we had.
We had a great Girl Friends Rule kind of day!
And yes, you did recognize Lea from CiCi's Corner.  So hop over there and see what she has to say about the day.
After our get-together, I went back to Bastrop where we had lived among these ladies for 33+ years to photograph the grounds of Nature's Hideaway Gardens.
When I moved away in 2002, this was only a very small little nursery just down the road from me.

Now, it is a fairly large haven for plant lovers as well junkers.
Kathy was getting ready for her big annual "Springtime in the Garden" event the next day when I got there and a very heavy downpour that morning had put her a little behind.
So, she let me roam and do my thing.

Kathy has an art for combining her love for plants and old stuff and it's hard to believe all of this is outdoors.
She has created little "rooms" throughout the gardens that are enchanting.
There was so much to see and yet my eye found many little vignettes on which to rest.
I so appreciate Kathy's artistic eye and her desire to preserve things of the past along side new growth.

She even has a real chicken yard.
Thank you, Kathy for letting me explore and live for a little while in your hidden garden.

Yes, last Friday was a day worthy of remembering and I hope you don't mind my sharing it with you. Girl Friends Rule! Last week I mentioned that I and a group of long-time friends planned to get together. We met on Friday at the lovely lake home of one of the group. Long-time friends, Lea, Dottie, Nancy, Carolyn and I had the best time catching up on friendships that have spanned over 40 years. Thank you Dottie for hosting us!  What a great time we had. We had a great Girl Friend...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy Mother's Day Tributes

Thank you Joyce for taking the time to bring us together each week for
Wednesday Hodgepodge.  We appreciate you!

1. What's a phrase your mother often said to you? If you're a parent, is this something you now say to your own children?

"Because I said so!"  I hated this phrase and I'm sure I heard it many times only because I was stubborn, rebellious and needed to be reminded who was in charge.  As a teenager, I came up with this profound statement:  "My pet peeve is parents taking advantage of parental authority!"  Now what in the world did that mean?  Thankfully, my parents loved me unconditionally.

Did I use that phrase with my own children?  I'm sure I did although I cringed every time I heard myself.

2. What is a scent you associate with your mother or your childhood home?

Mother did not wear perfume but she always smelled fresh and sweet.  I can't remember specific scents in the home other than food cooking.  Nothing smells better than a cake in the oven.

3. What's an activity you remember always doing with your mother (or someone who was a mother figure in your life)?

Mother taught me to sew at an early age.  She first taught me to use a needle by doing cross-stitched pillow cases.  I then progressed to making most of my clothes by the time I was in college.

4. Flared jeans, maxi dresses, and jumpsuits are 70's fashion trends back this spring. Are you on board? Which trend would you be most inclined to try? For the men...flared corduroys, wide-collared shirts, and floral prints...what say you?

I purchased my first maxi dress a few weeks ago.  I had not bought one previously because I could never imagine where I would wear it other than around the house.  However, I found a really cute one that I did wear once while in Vegas and again this past Sunday night to a prayer group gathering.  I found it quite comfortable and will probably look for at least one more for the summer.

5. May 6th is Teacher Appreciation Day and also Nurse Appreciation Day. Is there a nurse or teacher  you have especially appreciated along the way? Tell us why?

Both my children have BSN degrees and are using them plus advanced degrees in various ways.  My youngest sister is a first grade teacher.  I do have a deep appreciation and gratitude for people in both professions.  Neither is easy and both are so often thankless jobs.

6. If I came by your house, what would I find on your frig door?

You would find a small collection of family pictures.

7. Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana made her royal entrance on Saturday, May 2nd. On a scale of 1-10, how much attention did you give to all the news coverage? 1=Who's Charlotte? 10=sat glued to the telly, cuppa in hand.

I would give my attention a 3.  I was aware she was due, have heard some discussion of names and did see a picture of this beautiful baby leaving the hospital, but have not been overly involved.  I am so glad of the "Elizabeth Diana" name combination and impressed that Mother Kate looked so amazing only a couple days after delivery.  Truly a Princess!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Being that it is Mother's Day week, let me give a tribute to three precious mothers.
First, my mother,
Laura Colvin Lazenby
1918 - 1995
Hardly a day has passed since her death that I haven't thought of her and wished for her wisdom and company.  Mother was known for her devotion to her husband and family, but also to her Lord Jesus Christ and His call on her life.  She loved missions and dedicated her life at an early age to service in His Kingdom.  For 50 years, she served along side my dad in the pastorate in small rural Louisiana churches and as an officer on the Executive Board for the Louisiana Baptist Women's Missionary Union.

She was a great prayer warrior and truly an example of what a godly lady is to be and for that I am so grateful.

Thank you for teaching me to appreciate beauty, manners, reading and the finer things in life.

Thank you Mother for setting such an example of unconditional love.

I also want to recognize the mothers of my perfect grandchildren.
Both of my daughters are wonderful mothers.  I wish I had been as patient and wise as they are.
Christy Day Harbison
Michelle Wilson-Day
 Thank you both for raising up your children in the love and admonition of the Lord.
Thank you for putting Christ first in your home and being His example to your family and in your communities.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you Joyce for taking the time to bring us together each week for Wednesday Hodgepodge.  We appreciate you! 1. What's a phrase your mother often said to you? If you're a parent, is this something you now say to your own children? "Because I said so!"  I hated this phrase and I'm sure I heard it many times only because I was stubborn, rebellious and needed to be reminded who was in charge.  As a teenager, I came up with this profound statement:  "My pet peeve is parents taking advantag...