Thank you, Sis.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Thank you, Sis.
A few weeks ago I read a blog post that I found both interesting and fun and asked permission to repeat the theme on my own Friday blog. Trish willingly gave me her blessing. For a while, at least, this will be my Friday theme. I will recap my week by highlighting what I have loved, liked and learned. You may enjoy participating in this as well. LOVED Three weeks ago this past Tuesday, Hubby's only brother died during surgery. This picture was one I took of Tom and Martha when we...
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
1. When did someone last suggest you 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell someone (or want to tell someone) to 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell yourself to 'chill out'?
I really can't recall a time that I experienced any of these. However, I was being a bit critical of something the other night and had to apologize for that, so maybe that qualifies for telling myself to "chill."
2. What most recently caused your heart to melt?
Face-Time with our youngest granddaughter the other night. She melts my heart anyway, but just seeing her and hearing her tell about things going on in her life at eight, really melts my heart big time. I miss being with her and all our grands.
3. "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton
Your thoughts? When did you last experience either an adventure or an inconvenience? How did you see it at first, as an adventure or an inconvenience? Does it feel the same in hindsight?
Last week a friend of mine and I had planned to visit a small town in another state a couple hours away and because the weather was so nasty, we decided to not go. This change in plans was a real inconvenience because I had really looked forward to the day and she would not be able to reschedule this week. But, Hubby helped me turn this inconvenience into an adventure by agreeing to go with me this past Monday. We had a great day together and the "adventure" will be the topic of a future blog post. Stay tuned!
4. A Wendy's Frosty, root beer in a frosty mug, or a frosted chocolate cupcake...of these three, which one is your favorite 'frosty' treat?
Hands down a Wendy's Chocolate Frosty! Love it!!!
5. Would you say your life so far this year has been more like a circus or a symphony? Explain why.
A symphony! Life is good. Because my foot is healing well, I've been able to go back to the gym and return to Handbell Choir and Sanctuary Choir. We have spent time with friends. Hubby and I have enjoyed doing things together that is important to both of us. The Lord continues to bless richly for which I am most grateful.
6. Since it's a 'snow day' here, what's your favorite song containing the word 'white'?
"White Christmas" is the first that comes to mind.
7. If you had to leave the city you currently live in, what would you find the hardest to leave behind?
I would miss most our home. God gave us this house eight years ago and we love it. And of course, I would miss our friends.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Hubby and I enjoy a good salad and I found this recipe the other day in a cookbook given to me by a dear friend for my birthday - The New Southern Table by Brys Stephens. It is super quick, easy, delicious and good for you.
I have missed being part of the Hodgepodge group the past couple weeks so it is good to rejoin Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond for 1. When did someone last suggest you 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell someone (or want to tell someone) to 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell yourself to 'chill out'? I really can't recall a time that I experienced any of these. However, I was being a bit critical of something the other night and had to apologize for that, so maybe that qual...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
One of the many things Hubby and I enjoy about living in the 3rd largest city in the state of Louisiana is being able to hear the Shreveport Symphony. We decided several years ago that we would take advantage of as many cultural events in our area as possible and there are many, with access to three colleges, numerous play venues, Opera Guild, and various musical groups as well as many churches who do amazing musical performances. Our favorite though is having season tickets to the Sh...
Sunday, January 25, 2015
I have noticed that several of the bloggers I follow select a word for their new year. I have never done this but have admired that these ladies are sensitive to God's leading in this respect. Several weeks ago I listened to a TV preacher as I was getting ready for church one Sunday morning. He kept mentioning the word "Increase" in his message. It really struck a cord with me and I began to pray about it and search the scripture regarding how God might want to use this in my life....
Monday, January 19, 2015
It is good to finally have time to do a blog post this Monday. This will be a very brief posting of big events in the lives of some of our grands. Granddaughter #2, Cassidy, set a goal to be accepted into the University of Texas for this spring semester. SHE MADE IT! We are so proud of her for setting such a high goal and working hard to achieve it. Her parents moved her into her dorm room on Saturday and she begins orientation today. Hook um big, Cassidy! In northern Indiana, w...
Friday, January 2, 2015
All the Christmas decorations have been removed for another year. What of this Christmas will remain with us won't be the lovely decorations or the childhood memories that are evoked, The memories that will carry over into 2015 will be those special interchanges with each other that touched a heart for some unexplained reason at the time. It will be remembering those who weren't here this year. It will be remembering how we experienced the New Born King this Christmas...
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Welcome, I’m Libby

Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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Lovely Blogs
Today’s News for Women over 503 hours ago
Dressin' Up20 hours ago
18 Spring & Easter Tablescapes21 hours ago
Style Showcase 28523 hours ago
Monday Musings No. 1631 day ago
Weekend Chatter2 days ago
Photograph5 days ago
You Are Not Your Thoughts4 weeks ago
January and February Prime Purchases1 month ago
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your subscription now.2 months ago
Little Stories – Little Dabbles Part II3 months ago
BIG NEWS!4 months ago
Review of Clara Sunwoo Designs4 months ago
Spring Tea Party11 months ago
My Famous Banana Bread1 year ago

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