Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Turning, Turning, Returning and Standing

"From This Side of the Pond"

1. Elizabeth Lawrence is quoted as saying, 'Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn." So have you done just that? And what did you leave undone in order to do so?
We just aren't at that seasonal stage yet here in the Arklatex (Northwest Louisiana).  We have a huge pecan tree behind our house and although it is full of pecans, the leaves haven't started turning yet.  The oak tree in our front yard is also hanging on dearly to its green leaves.  But, when that time comes, I will not hesitate to leave whatever undone in order to enjoy the color.

2. Since we're talking turning...what's one thing you feel you're doing 'every time you turn around'?

Trying to keep my balance.  As I am still using a walker to get around due to foot surgery three weeks ago today, maneuvering the "turns" has been a challenge.

Now, to answer the true nature of your question, sometimes as a blogger I feel 'every time [I] turn around' it is time for another post.  Am I the only one who feels this way?

3. How hard is it for you to 'turn the other cheek?'

If left to my own "common man" nature, it would be impossible.  My personality wants to retaliate and/or make a verbal response.  This is a struggle for me even now, but with the Holy Spirit reminding me its not my fight to fight I am better able to 'turn the other cheek' and move on.  I don't mean to simplify this, but without the Lord in my life bringing me moment by moment closer to His plan for my life, I would be a mess for sure.

4. When did you last turn a drawer, your car, a room, or your entire house upside down looking for something? Did you find it?

I cannot tell you the exact last time, but it is inevitable that when I lose something, I can remember putting it exactly where I thought I would look for it later.  I will tell you this funny.  Right after my surgery while my sis was here helping out, I put the house phone into my bosom to carry into another room because I was using a walker.  Later, we searched all over for that phone until I realized I was wearing it.  A bigger bosom might have helped.  Not sure.

5. 'One good turn deserves another'...were you most recently on the giving or receiving end of that sentiment?

I have definitely been on the receiving end these past three weeks.  Friends have brought food and sent cards which has meant so much.  I must remember to pay forward when I am able.

6. Red, yellow, and orange are the colors of fall. Also the colors of fruit. If you were permitted only one color of fruit in your diet, which would you choose? This question isn't as easy as it sounds, at least not for me.

Or for me, Joyce.  I love sweet red apples, red grapes, green kiwi, yellow bananas, and a peach peach.  Not to mention a green/red combination watermelon.  But to keep it seasonal, I will have to go with apples and peanut butter.

7. The Hunt for Red October, October Sky, Halloween...which 'October' film is your favorite?

The Hunt for Red October  has always been a favorite of ours.  But I loved October Baby and thought the subject of abortion was handled beautifully in this film.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Lately, I have been made aware of so many hurting and struggling people around us.  These are fine, Christian families who are going through some really difficult times whether it be with health problems, or issues with children.  I've wondered how to encourage them other than to just let me know I am praying for them.  Is this enough or does God require more of us?  I think this is something we as Christians deal with.  How can we minister to someone from a distance who is hurting?  In thinking about this this week, I remembered an old song sung by Babbi Mason entitled, "Standing in the Gap."
I don't think one can minimize the importance of prayer for another person.  The Lord may lead us to do more for someone, but until He does, I think He will honor and bless our
May you have a Blessed Day!
Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.


  1. You are not the only one that feels like every time you turn around it's time to make another blog post.

    I used to blog 5-6 times a week, but lately have been slacking off. :( Hoping to get back in the groove before too long.

  2. Good morning! Did I ever get a good chuckle out of your phone story, lol. Soo sounds like something I'd do. I am forever looking for my reading glasses that are either on my head or around my neck. Hope your recovery is going well (other then the balance issues that is!) I know what you mean about the hurting people. After the wedding we were at last week-end I was honestly just heartbroken over the amount of people who are so hopelessly lost and sadly don't even know it. Searching frantically for whatever it is they think they need for happiness. Not to mention those in the midst of crisis, and yet NO God to lean on. Soo sad. Makes me want to do more to spread His message. Hope all else is well. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. Loved your phone story! I hope your turning around becomes easier!

  4. Libby...I, for one, have felt your prayers and I can't begin to tell you just how much they've meant to me. God is carrying me through these difficult times and is giving me one amazing testimony to share with others!

  5. Your answer to #4 made me smile : ) I should have answered The Hodgepodge! to # 2. Hope the foot heals quickly...enjoy your day!

  6. Yes, didn't think about a blog post but I do feel that way at times.

    And, I'm so with you on that "standing in the gap." Oh, my, where would we be if it were not for others prayers. I hope to be that the many others that have so often been that for me.

    Sure do hope your recovery is going well. I think of you daily and wish I lived nearby and could drop by for a face to face visit.

    Happy rest of the week! Oh, loved the "bosom story." How funny!!!

  7. Number 4 was hilarious! And I enjoyed all your answers. We would all be a mess without Jesus working in our lives. Some of us are still a mess, but a forgiven mess and 'under construction.' :-)

    Isn't that walker fun to maneuver in the shower! Can you take a shower with a baggie over your foot? Sounds like a painful experience. I hope everything heals well and quickly!

    And no, I doubt that a bigger bosom would have helped. You might have misplaced the toaster. LOL

  8. Great phone story. Hope your foot heals nicely and soon. Prayers-something we all can do. Prayers are my conversation with God.

  9. It's great that you have friends to help you out in your time of need. I like your random thought too! We've had several tragic events in our community last week and it is hard to know exactly what to do to help.

  10. Love the phone story. Just so funny the way we do things. One thing I've done is look for my cell phone when I'm actually talking on it.
    I have also pondered the question of whether I am doing enough. I do pray, but I think we want to do something hands on. I know I experienced so much love from others when I was recovering from surgery this summer.

  11. Hi, Elizabeth!

    I remember having two big pecan trees in our yard, in S.C. We made good use of those pecans. The first time, and last, that we didn't have to pay an enormous amount for pecans. Now we get our pecans at Sam's about once a year, or so.

    Funny story about your phone.

    Thank you for the visit.
    I like your blog. I can understand about having to have a post ready every time we `turn` around. I was trying to post daily, it just isn't happening. Also, I don't get around to read every blog every day. A blog is fun, but can be a lot of work.

    Enjoy your afternoon!

  12. Our leaves don't change here in Southern California but they will turn yellow from extreme heat this time of year. But the ends are all burnt and certainly not pretty like the leaves in the Midwest! I picked Red as my fruit color but there were a lot of great fruits listed in the other colors by people this week. Hope your healing is going well. Have a nice weekend.


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