Sunday, January 26, 2014
It 's Sunday afternoon. We've been to Sunday School and had a great time exploring the story of Zacchaeus from Dr. Luke's account with some of the sweetest and most insightful friends. But, it's not really the story of Zacchaeus, the wee little man who climbed a tree to see Jesus. It's really the story of God's Divine appointed intervention in a person's life. It's about God reaching out and touching and spending time with a person who recognizes he is totally insufficient within himself....
Thursday, January 23, 2014
SOCHI 2014 Are you looking forward to the Winter Olympics? I enjoy watching the Olympics regardless of the season, but I do especially enjoy the winter games. And the athlete's ceremony fashions are always quite interesting. Do you remember the huge snafu before and during the Summer Games about the garments being made in China? Well, this week David Lauren, Executive Vice President of the fashion empire's communication and marketing announced that the Ralph Lauren designed outfits...
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The last time I bowled was probably close to 10 years ago while entertaining visiting grandchildren. Do I like it? Surprisingly yes, I used to enjoy bowling once in a while. In fact, right after we married, we joined a bowling club along with church friends and I got fairly good at it. Do I want to go to an alley and do it again? Not especially!
2. Should sports stars be role models?
My feeling is that anyone who willingly places themselves in a public position, whether it be a high school or professional athlete, a church or community leader, a politician or a parent, should accept the responsibility of setting a good example for anyone who might think of emulating their behavior.
I think last Sunday's pre-Superbowl games offered us prime examples of one who accepts his role as a leader - Broncos' Peyton Manning and one who doesn't - Seahawk's Richard Sherman.
3. January is National Oatmeal month...are you a fan? How do you like your oats?
The only way I eat oatmeal is in a breakfast smoothie. Cookies are not bad, but not my favorite.
4. What is one book on your reading list for 2014?
I have several books I would like to read this year. I download books from Bookbub and have them stored on my iPad. Some examples are: "Gazing Into Glory," "Love Amid the Ashes," "Rolling Thunder," "Princess," (a true story of life behind the veil in Saudi Arabia), and one not in my library yet, is "Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of War" by Robert Gates.
5. What would you like your future self to say to your present self?
"You finished strong!" I most desire to hear my Heavenly Father say, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"
6. When scrolling through the TV guide, what is one movie title that makes you want to stop, grab the popcorn, and watch for a while?
"Sleepless in Seattle!" I will never tire of seeing that movie and keep waiting for the sequel.
7. What are two style trends you hope never come back into fashion?
Poodle skirts with all those starched and netted petticoats, and bobbie socks. Does that age me or what?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I really am aware that it is quite late in the day to be posting a blog that is generally seen in the mornings. As our desktop CPU needed to spend a few days with the Computer Doctor, we didn't get it back until late yesterday. This morning had its own adventures and activities such as a trip to the gym and lunch with a group of special friends. Priorities! So, I'm thinking perhaps the two or three readers who follow my blog won't mind when it's posted. Thank you Joyce for Wednesday Hod...
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Do you usually try to incorporate the color of the year to your wardrobe?
These are a couple topics we'll discuss when the computer comes home.
Enjoy your day!
Happy Monday Morning! Actually, I am writing this on my iPad on Sunday night while reclined and watching the SF 49ers play the Seattle Seahawks. Since the Seahawks beat the Saints twice, I really don't like them, and neither do I care for Pete Carroll, their coach. Besides, I think the 49ers are the better team and will make the Super Bowl matchup with the Broncos a very enjoyable game. So Geaux San Francisco! Hubby and I are still enjoying our vegan diet and are finding some very deli...
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
1. Are you a force to be reckoned with? In what way?
Probably so! Hubby seems to think so some time and I'm sure my children would agree that I have seemed pretty unmovable at times. I am the first-born and have been known to be forceful when my way is challenged. I am a fighter when crossed.
That being said, I have asked God to make my heart tender and to mold me into the person with whom He would be most pleased . My instinct is still to fight so the Holy Spirit has His hands full with me. But, He often gently reminds me the fight isn't mine, and most of those battles I choose really aren't worth fighting after all. I would fight for my family any day, but even then, the battle is His and I am learning to let go and let God.
2. What are two things you love about the wintertime? Or, if love feels like too strong a word, what are two things you 'like' about winter?
I love everything about winter! But, to narrow it down to two things, I would have to say the cold, dreary, stormy days with a fire in the fireplace and winter clothes. I love the turtle necks and sweaters and boots. Yes, I love winter!
3. Pomegranate, kumquat, persimmon, kiwi, and guava are all fruits said to have health benefits, particularly during the winter months. Do you have a favorite on the list? Are there any on the list you haven't tried?
I have not tried guava and really have no clue what it is. I have tried all the others at least once and my favorite is the kiwi. Kiwi is good any time of the year.
4. I passed a local church yesterday and noticed they had this on their outdoor sign- 'When all else fails, do the right thing.' Your thoughts?
I have to take issue with the "when all else fails" part, because I don't think doing the right thing should be a last resort. Choosing to do what's right should be the first and only option. Discerning what is right in all circumstances is not always easy, but it should be our only desire.
5. Do you ski? According to one list I've seen, the top 5 ski destinations for 2014 are-St. Anton Austria, Whistler Canada, Cortina Italy, Tahoe USA, and Zermatt Switzerland. Of the five listed, which would you most like to visit? We can make skiing optional if that helps the non-skiers with their answer.
I don't ski but would love to visit St. Anton, Austria under any pretense.
6. What's the last thing you looked for online? (Besides my blog!)
I will go into more detail later, but the last thing I looked for online was vegan menus and recipes.
7. What saying, slogan, quote, or motto have you seen lately that inspires you for the new year?
"Unrepeatable!" This is a new year, a new day never to be repeated again. I pray God will help me see each day and each opportunity to be kind, to be nice, to be used by Him. Each day is precious and an unrepeatable treasure.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
1. Are you a force to be reckoned with? In what way? Probably so! Hubby seems to think so some time and I'm sure my children would agree that I have seemed pretty unmovable at times. I am the first-born and have been known to be forceful when my way is challenged. I am a fighter when crossed. That being said, I have asked God to make my heart tender and to mold me into the person with whom He would be most pleased . My instinct is still to fight so the Holy Spirit has His hands full w...
Friday, January 10, 2014
Several months ago I read a post that absolutely captivated me. It was written by one of my favorite bloggers, Elizabeth at Just Following Jesus. She admitted getting the idea from one of her blogger friends, so I hope neither of them will mind my borrowing their idea, but in no way their personal experiences. I AM FROM I am from the piney hills and red clay soil of north Louisiana. I am from a country preacher's modest home provided by a rural, conservative congregation, with con...
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
1. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English. Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse or just general uselessness (go here to read more about how the words were chosen). Here are the words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2014-
selfie, twerk/twerking, hashtag, Twittersphere, Mr. Mom, T-bone, ____on steroids, the suffixes-ageddon, and -pocalypse added to anything and everything, from the world of politics the words-intellectually/morally bankrupt and Obamacare, and from the world of sports the words-adversity and fan base
Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?
I despise the "twerk/twerking" phenomenon and definitely think it needs to be removed. NOW!
Also, I would like to see "Obamacare" removed from the vocabulary but only if it takes the entire socialist program along with it.
2. What one unfinished project nags at you begging to be completed in this new year?
Well, I don't really do projects and I especially don't like unfinished ones. The one thing that will be done when the weather is much warmer is a revamping of our garage. It has become a catch-all and needs a good re-org, but not until a warm day in spring. Right now, I have to do some end-of-year computer work which I would rather put off, but can't and won't.
3. When did you last have a bowl of soup? What kind? Homemade or from a can? What's your favorite soup?
I made a good potato soup for Sunday lunch and Hubby made a LARGE pot of chicken/vegetable soup that night. We will have the remains of that tonight for dinner along with a small salad.
4. Snowed in, snowed under, snow job...which one most applies to your life in recent days, figuratively speaking.
We weren't actually snowed in but close while visiting our family in northern Indiana for three weeks during Christmas. We left on Friday before the BIGGIE came in last Saturday. We left in -10 degree temps only to arrive in Louisiana 17 hours later to 59 degrees. WOW!
I love the snow and love being out in it until all my extremities freeze. In fact, I have found that it is easy to become euphoric if you aren't careful. I actually shoveled the long sloped driveway the day we arrived and the day before having an MRI on my back. I know, not real smart. But, I enjoyed it so much and after finishing, I was disappointed there wasn't more. See what I mean about euphoric? Or maybe crazy?
We don't watch a lot of comedies. We prefer adventure when we go to the theater. I really can't remember seeing any except Bernie; however, I really didn't find that very funny. Odd, I guess, because our best friends said it was the funniest movie they had ever seen and even went back to see it with us.
6. In general, would you say you're clumsy?
I am not clumsy and have never been. However, as I've gotten older, I find that my balance is not what it used to be so sometimes I feel clumsy. Aging is not for sissies!
7. Elvis Presley was born on Hodgepodge Day (January 8th) back in 1935. Are you an Elvis fan? What's your favorite Elvis tune? If that's too hard, which Elvis tune do you dislike the least? Click here for a list of his songs.
I was in middle school in the mid 50's when Elvis first made himself known. I recall hearing some of my friends talk about him, but I was never a huge fan. I enjoyed listening to most of his music but he was never an idol. If I ever had a favorite song, I suppose it would be "Love Me Tender." But, I can't stand listening to it now. Interesting that I live in Shreveport, Louisiana where he first appeared on the Louisiana Hayride. You Elvis fans might enjoy listening to a recording from this appearance:
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Thank you Joyce for The Wednesday Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 157! 1. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English. Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse or just general uselessness (go here to read more about how the words were chosen). Here are the words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2014- selfie, twerk/twerking, hashtag, Twittersphere, Mr. Mom, T-bone, ____on steroids, the...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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