Monday, April 10, 2023

Happy Birthdays & Happy Easter

This past weekend we celebrated birthdays and our Risen Savior, so let me tell you about it in order.

April 6

The 6th of every month, both our great grandboys get a month older.  Last Thursday Jax turned 9 months old and as you can see, he is "SO BIG" and a happy boy.
Landon completed his first year and is just about to fill out that sweater.  It is pretty obvious that we have personality overload in these two, and we could not love them any more.

April 8

This is our oldest granddaughter's birthday and she turned 30 and we are still wondering how that happened overnight.

Chandler gladly shared her birthday with her cutie pie and gave him the best 1st birthday party.  Landon looks just like his daddy except he has his mother's beautiful lips and smile which is pretty obvious in this adorable picture.

The party theme was "A Hole in One!"  Pretty clever since his dad and pops are both big golfers.

His CoCo, my daughter rehabbed this cute golf cart and customized it just for him.

He wasn't too sure about it at first but before long he took on the celebrity status of a Masters Champion and loved it.

The birthday cake was another matter.  He just wasn't into smashing and eating that cake and much preferred sharing it with his mommy and daddy.

This party has been declared a great success and again, we wonder how this happened overnight.

Easter Sunday

Following a wonderful worship service and an overflow crowd of 7,500 in our service alone, we enjoyed a delicious lunch with our daughter and her family.  On the left by me are David and Emily who will be giving us our third great grandson in August.  In the middle is Ava Grace who will be inducted into the Honor Society of her HS tomorrow.  On the right by Dick is Cassidy who be having a birthday next month.  Good things just keep happening.

And here we are with both the birthday honorees.

Across the country in Northern Indiana, our son and his family were celebrating Easter together at their church.

On the far right are granddaughters Mary-Elizabeth and Savannah.  Savannah will also be celebrating another birthday in early May and her mother, Michelle in June.  They just keep coming, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

And this tells the story about what life may be like at the Day house.

Have I already mentioned something about personality overload?

I trust your weekend was as eventful and glorious as ours was.

This past weekend we celebrated birthdays and our Risen Savior, so let me tell you about it in order.April 6The 6th of every month, both our great grandboys get a month older.  Last Thursday Jax turned 9 months old and as you can see, he is "SO BIG" and a happy boy.Landon completed his first year and is just about to fill out that sweater.  It is pretty obvious that we have personality overload in these two, and we could not love them any more.April 8This is our oldest granddaughter's birthday...

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Happy Easter Hodgepodge

Happy Easter - 1973

This is how we celebrated Easter in 1973 with two of the cutest little Easter Bunnies you've ever seen.  It's hard to believe that now, 50 years later these two each have a grandchild of their own who will be celebrating their first Easter.

1.  What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning?  Have you completed that task this year?  Any plans to get it done?

For me the most difficult part is deciding to do it at all.  I suppose the least enjoyable and what I put off the most is cleaning out the windows and dusting all the plantation shutters.  We have shutters on all our windows and although I love them, they are hard to clean.

2. Your favorite pastel color?  Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade?

I do not wear pastels because they wash me out, but I did recently purchase a light blue linen shirt for our upcoming beach trip.

3.  Do you like ham?  Yes
Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'?
We don't eat a lot of ham but I do occasionally buy ham slices for sliders.
Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza...what's your pleasure?                                      Ham and eggs with cheese would my 1st choice from these options.

4.  Do you celebrate Easter?  What did Easter look like when you were a kid?  What are your plans for Easter this year?

Yes, we celebrate our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ on Easter with our church family and our own family as well.

As a child, we would have looked forward to new dresses made by our mother and Easter Sunday spent at the church our dad pastored.  We often had egg hunts (which I detested) and afternoons spent with other families in our church.

Our plans for Easter this year is attending a Good Friday night worship service and the 9:30 Sunday morning service at our church.  Afterward, we are going to our daughter's home where we will have a family meal and be grateful for the salvation that comes with knowing the Risen Lord.

5.  Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings?

Knowing that God has a plan and He is in control.  The story has already been told so though frustrated and saddened with the condition of our world, we are not fearful.  We hold a Biblical Worldview and know how it ends; that this is not our home and we look forward to the day when we will be with Jesus around the throne of the Holy God.

We are also encouraged in seeing that people are being saved and pockets of revival are happening all over our world.  God is working in and through the chaos and confusion as His Holy Spirit continues to bring conviction and renewal.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Last Sunday night our church hosted its annual Zig Ziglar Service Leadership Award Banquet, held at the Ford Center in Plano Texas.  For you non-Texans, this also called The Star and holds the Cowboys indoor practice field.

Zig Ziglar was a long-time member of our church and several years ago it was decided to honor him while honoring others who are living a life of service to others.  Last year Tim Tebow was honored.  This year, Michael W. Smith was the honoree.

We were guests of sweet friends, Bob and Susan Chitwood (left) and among the 800 or so who attended.

Over 1.8 million dollars were given that night to help support scholarship children attend our Prestonwood Christian Academy.  What a blessing it was to hear from four such students and families who have benefited from the generosity of our church family.

May God Be Praised!

Happy Easter - 1973This is how we celebrated Easter in 1973 with two of the cutest little Easter Bunnies you've ever seen.  It's hard to believe that now, 50 years later these two each have a grandchild of their own who will be celebrating their first Easter. 1.  What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning?  Have you completed that task this year?  Any plans to get it done?For me the most difficult part is deciding to do it at all.  I suppose the least enjo...