"There is sunshine in my soul today
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my light."
The words of this old hymn came to mind as I looked into my sunroom this morning and saw the morning spotlight. Yes, through somewhat dirty windows. But, you know what? His light shines even when things aren't always clear and exactly the way we would have them be. Isn't that wonderful!
I began to notice where the light was shining into my house and found these wonderful reflections.
So many lessons and analogies in this picture. Let it speak to you.
There is always light and shadow in our lives as well. Have you noticed how the shadows enhance the light? That's how it is with God's love. Sometimes when we seem to be at our lowest, and life becomes heavy with fear and doubt, His light shines the brightest.
"God shined in our hearts, to give the light."
2 Corinthians 4:6
"There is gladness in my soul today,
And hope and love and praise,
For blessings which He gives me now,
For joys in future days."
"Sunshine in My Soul"
Eliza E. Hewitt
"There is sunshine in my soul todayMore glorious and brightThan glows in any earthly sky,For Jesus is my light."The words of this old hymn came to mind as I looked into my sunroom this morning and saw the morning spotlight. Yes, through somewhat dirty windows. But, you know what? His light shines even when things aren't always clear and exactly the way we would have them be. Isn't that wonderful!I began to notice where the light was shining into my house and found these wonderful reflection...