Music is in the air this Christmas season at our house. We recently discovered the pianist, Beggie Adair and have so enjoyed listening to
"Beggie Adair's Holiday Radio" on Pandora.
She is 80 years old and currently lives in Franklin, TN. The Beegie Adair Trio is one of the most successful jazz groups in the world.
If you aren't familiar with her, check her out HERE.
Now, it's time to join Terri for
1. National Ding-a-Ling Day is observed across the United States each year on December 12. Ding-a-Lings on this day call the people they haven’t heard from in a while. It may be an old classmate, co-worker or neighbor from years ago. Or perhaps a call will go out to the child who used to mow the grass during the summer. How about that couple who carpooled for soccer. There are all sorts of people in our lives who manage to slip out of our lives who would love to hear the ding-a-ling of a call from you or me. So tell us who you want to call today!
There are many who come to mind that I would like to call today, many of whom are in heaven. For some reason those who are particularly on my mind right now are men and women who were encouragers to my children during their growing up years.
There were men who spent time with our son, giving him jobs, coaching him on the ball fields/courts; families who took him to all-star games when we had to be out of town; men and women who provided counsel and encouragement at the times most needed. Many of these are still very important to our son.
When our daughter needed it most, there were women in our church and circle of friends, who supported her with encouraging words and gifts and unconditional acceptance. They still do that even after all these years.
I won't call any of these today, but I will let them know in other ways how grateful I am.
2. Each year on the 12th day of December, people across the United States recognize National Poinsettia Day. I am including this "National Day" too because my neighbor's poinsettia from last year is blooming beside their house!! Have you ever tried to plant a poinsettia outside?
I did only once. Even though we live in the south, we can have freezing temps in the winter months and sometimes even ice and snow. Therefore, it is foolish to plant a poinsettia outside. I love them inside though.
My 2018 poinsettia that I am so enjoying while I can.
3. Do you believe in Bigfoot? What size shoe do you wear and do you have trouble shoe shopping?
I would love to believe in Bigfoot, but don't. My shoe size is an 8 1/2 sandal and 9 enclosed shoe. Although I love pretty shoes, I don't enjoy shopping for them because I am difficult to fit. My feet are narrow and thin which creates problems. Also, since having extensive foot surgery a few years ago, I have a very sensitive tip of a toe that demands its space.
See pin in end of toe? |
4. What is one thing you refuse to share?
I refuse to share my bath cloth and towel. Other than that, there is not much I won't share; however, I am very particular and selective with whom I share things.
5. Are you finding that this Christmas is stressful? More or less than last year?
No, I am not finding it stressful at all. I do feel a bit rushed this week trying to fit in everything I need to do while getting ready to be gone for two weeks. But, I'm not stressed. It is a matter of setting priorities and just getting it done.
6. Tell us something random about your week so far!
See #5
Just one product suggestion for you.
For you diffuser users, you might want to check out this essential oil. I found it a couple years ago, and use it almost daily during the winter months. It is similar to Young Living's version of "Thieves."
The Good Samaritan formula has
been proven to kill over 99% of bacteria; making it an indispensable
formula for a healthy home.
As you know, many radio stations have been encouraged to stop playing "Baby It's Cold Outside" for some crazy reasons, none of which make sense to me. But, for a little levity and absurdity, I thought I would close my Wednesday Medley for 2018 with an example of how ridiculous our world can get.
A friend posted the following on Facebook this week:
"Since radio decided to pull “Baby it’s Cold Outside” from its playlist because someone was offended, I feel that these other holiday songs must also be removed as they are offensive as well. Do so immediately.
1. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus: Subjecting minors to softcore porn
2. The Christmas Song: Open fire? Pollution. Folks dressed up like Eskimos? Cultural appropriation
3. Holly Jolly Christmas: Kiss her once for me? Unwanted advances
4. White Christmas? Racist
5. Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Sees you when you’re sleeping? Knows when you’re awake? Peeping Tom stalker
6. Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Everyone telling you be of good cheer? Forced to hide depression
7. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Bullying
8. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: Forced gender-specific gifts: dolls for Janice and Jen and boots and pistols (GUNS!) for Barney and Ben
9. Santa Baby: Gold digger, blackmail
10. Frosty the Snowman: Sexist; not a snow woman
11. Do You Hear What I Hear: Blatant disregard for the hearing impaired
12. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: Make the yuletide GAY? Wow, just wow
13. Jingle Bell Rock: Giddy up jingle horse, pick up your feet: animal abuse
14. Mistletoe and Holly: Overeating, folks stealing a kiss or two? How did this song ever see the light of day?
15. Winter Wonderland: Parson Brown demanding they get married…forced partnership.
16. Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer: Woman attacked & Grandpa gambling."
Saturday 9: We Need a Little Christmas (2006)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) At the beginning of this recording, Daffy says he hopes all his friends remember his size, style and favorite color. What piece of clothing would you like to add to your wardrobe?
What woman would not love to have this black maxi length wool coat and look this glamorous in it! Of course, I would never wear it in the south but I can dream, can't I.
2) His friends are late for...