My walls are are varying shades of light khaki with a tinge of gold, with the exception of the master bed/bath and the adjoining sun room which is a soft olive. I wouldn't change a thing. I have dark hardwood floors, and again, love them. I can't think of one single thing in my home that I would change at this point.
2. What's something you'll NEVER do again?
Have children. Going for the obvious here, but still just saying, I'm well passed that.
3. Tell us a couple of ways you fit the stereotypes associated with your gender, and a couple of ways you don't.
I think the gender stereotypes are changing and not for the better necessarily. Men, for instance used to be expected to be MEN, not necessarily bear slayers, but strong in build and character; leaders and supporters. Today's image has become much, much softer and much less appealing in my estimation. Likewise, the female gender is now expected to be the strong dominating leader in the home and encouraged to take on this role in society, and the workplace as well. I attribute this reverse gender role to be part of our societal issues today.
The woman of my day was expected to get married, have children and be a stay-at-home mom. I wanted nothing more than to do all three. When my youngest was in pre-school I took a part-time job, then when the kids were in high school, I worked full-time outside the home. Now, how am I different from the basic stereotypes of my day? Back then, girls were expected to come out of the womb "girly" - to like frills and dolls and tea sets. I was never a frilly girl but instead a bit of a tom boy, preferring a bicycle to a doll any day. I had a strong will and was a typical assertive 1st born. Today, my character is still much the same, but I have taken on a more feminine, soft side, I think.
4. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Have you ever owned a motorcycle? Ever ridden a motorcycle? If the opportunity presented itself would you hop on a motorcycle and go for a ride?
Yes, we have owned three different motorcycles. Yes, I have ridden a motorcycle, and yes, I have also driven a motorcycle. I did it because it was expedient at the time, but I have never felt so vulnerable than when on one. If you know me at all, then you know I don't do well with vulnerable. I did enjoy being out in the open, but it was also being out in the open that made me uncomfortable. No, I have done that and have no desire to ever ride another.
5. If someone wanted to understand you, what should they read, watch, and listen to?
It is my desire that when one sees me, they would see Jesus in and through me. It would be through those lens that I would like to be understood.
Read: This article on The Complex Personality of Creative People describes some of my character traits.
Watch: HGTV relates to my love for decorating and home; Hallmark Movies reflects my need for a happy sappy ending
Listen: Handel's Messiah
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Early Wednesday morning, Dick and I leave for Indiana. We will be visiting our son and his family. Our granddaughter, Savannah will graduate high school on Friday night. She and her club soccer team will also be playing in the state playoffs while we are there.