Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

The falling of Fall leaves came in with a bluster yesterday just in time to welcome the Christmas Season.  But, this Wednesday Hodgepodge is all about the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Click HERE to join Joyce and the other bloggers to see how they answers these questions.

1. Give us three rhyming words that say something about your Thanksgiving holiday (or your most recent holiday gathering if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving). 

Family (got to FaceTime Indiana family while visiting with Dallas family)
Comedy (see random thought)
Cassidy (may be our last time to see her before she flies to Spain for her Spring Semester at UT)

2. When did you last say, 'the more the merrier'? Did you mean it?

I do not recall using that phrase.  My life is too regimented for that so if I did say it, I probably didn't mean it.

3. What's one piece of advice you'd give someone who is your same age?

Stay active and keep moving

4. You're ordering a veggie plate, what four veggies are on it?

Sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, purple hull peas

5. Shop til you drop! Did you? Have you ever? Will you between now and Christmas?

It doesn't take very long for me to drop while shopping.  It is not my favorite thing at all.  So, no I did not, have not, and will not.

6. What's your favorite chair in your house, and why is it a favorite?

It would be my recliner.  It is the Deco Recliner from Haverty's and I find it so extremely comfortable.
7. Share an early memory of faith, religion, or spirituality.

My father was a pastor and I married a minister of music, so all my life has been centered around our faith, our religion and many, many varied spiritual experiences.  One specific early memory would have to be when our dad baptized both me and my sister together.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

This past weekend we attended two performances of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at the Eiseman Theater of Performing Arts in Richardson, Texas.  Our 10 year old granddaughter played the part of Gladys Herdman.  Both performances were extraordinary.  Here are just a few of my favorite shots of her and the cast. Also a short video of her herding the shepherds.

Several of her good friends came to support her.  Notice the "Team Gladys Herdman" shirts.

And, if you haven't seen the movie you may find it a delightful way to spend an hour.

Western Michigan Bronco Football Update:
Playing for the Mid America Conference Title in Detroit on Friday night - 7 ET, 6 CT on ESPN2
And we will be there!!!
 Offensive Line (Left Guard - Jackson Day - #65)

The falling of Fall leaves came in with a bluster yesterday just in time to welcome the Christmas Season.  But, this Wednesday Hodgepodge is all about the Thanksgiving Holiday. Click HERE to join Joyce and the other bloggers to see how they answers these questions. 1. Give us three rhyming words that say something about your Thanksgiving holiday (or your most recent holiday gathering if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving).  Family (got to FaceTime Indiana family while visiting with Dalla...

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wordless Monday

Some time back I saw where a blogger did a "Wordless Wednesday" blog post.  I thought I would borrow that title and do my own pictures on a Monday.
Hope you enjoy.
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!"
Philippians 4:4

Some time back I saw where a blogger did a "Wordless Wednesday" blog post.  I thought I would borrow that title and do my own pictures on a Monday. Hope you enjoy. "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!" Philippians 4:4...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Happy Fall!

It is so good to have Joyce back doing the Hodgepodge this week.  It must mean that she has been productive in her move and able to get internet.  Welcome back to cyber-ville, Joyce.
Now, click HERE to see how others have answered these questions.
1. Let's all think happy thoughts...share one of yours here. 

I have many happy thoughts today and things for which I am grateful; however, I think I will share this beautiful song by Tim McGraw, "Humble and Kind."
2. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "If you want happiness for an hour take a nap, if you want happiness for a day-go fishing...." What say you? If you want happiness for a day begin it with the Lord.

3. Where do you go to decompress from the world around you? 

My house is my haven and escape.

4. What song never fails to make you happy?

We sang a beautiful arrangement of "Holy, Holy, Holy" this past Sunday morning.  The organ, handbells, and other instruments accompanying the voices were majestic.  It is impossible to sing about God's holiness and majesty and not be happy.

5. Wednesday is National Fast Food Day. Should that be a thing? Apparently it is, so tell us what's the last 'fast food' you consumed? If you were putting together your own version of a 'happy meal' what would you include? 

Running through a fast food line is not something we do.  But, if I were to put a meal together it would include Cane's chicken tenders, cole slaw and a big chocolate Frosty from Wendy's.

6. In a few sentences tell us why you blog. 

I began blogging after I retired in 2011 as a creative outlet for me.  It quickly became something that I was committed to but it did not control my life.  As I met other women through blogging, I developed my own one-sided relationship with them and found myself looking forward to reading their posts.  Now, five years later, my reason for blogging is still the same - a means of expressing my thoughts in a creative way, and staying in touch with never-met blog "friends."

7. List seven things you're feeling especially grateful for today. 

I was invited to a small gathering of ladies from my church this morning to discuss the hospitality provided by our church.  We reviewed the many, many things that have been done mostly by one lady, now 84 with a handful of volunteers for more than 15 years.  She needs some relief.  I came away so encouraged and grateful for Christian women who see hospitality being a very important expression of ministry in our church.

Afterward, we had handbell rehearsal.  I am always grateful for music and my being able to participate in this way since I can no longer sing.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The meeting mentioned in the last answer was held in a most lovely home in one of the nicest areas in our city.  She agreed to allow me to photo her home when I resume my blogging series of homes after the first of the year.

From her front porch high atop a ridge, I photoed the two houses across the street.  I found it interesting that one is decorated for Fall and the other making progress toward Christmas.

Now, which are you?  Still enjoying Fall, or getting ready for Christmas?

It is so good to have Joyce back doing the Hodgepodge this week.  It must mean that she has been productive in her move and able to get internet.  Welcome back to cyber-ville, Joyce. Now, click HERE to see how others have answered these questions. 1. Let's all think happy thoughts...share one of yours here.  I have many happy thoughts today and things for which I am grateful; however, I think I will share this beautiful song by Tim McGraw, "Humble and Kind." 2. There's a Chine...

Monday, November 14, 2016

Fall, Culture and Grandkids

It is finally feeling like FALL in our neck of the woods!

We awoke to a crisp temperature in the lower 40's this morning and it was most welcome.
However, true to Louisiana weather, stick around because it we be changing soon.  Yep, we will be back into the 80's before weeks end.

Culture Outing
Yesterday, Hubby and I went to our local Little Theater for the final production of 
"The Miracle Worker."
The main characters could not have done a better job.  Their performance was amazing.
The young lady who played the part of Annie Sullivan, Elise Birmingham, was superb.  She will be continuing her education at Second City in Chicago soon.  She definitely has a very bright acting career ahead.

We are so grateful for all the cultural activities in our little city.

Grandchildren Update
With eight grandchildren, there is always something to talk about.
This past weekend, our Granddaughter #2 and Grandchild #3, Cassidy, had her 2016 Alpha Phi Sorority Red Dress Gala.  She will be a senior in the spring at the University of Texas in Austin.  Her mom and dad try to be part of these special events with their girls.  Besides, Dad is a Longhorn alum.
By the way, Cassidy will spend the spring semester studying in Barcelona, Spain.  We are so proud of her!

Grandson's football team, the Western Michigan Broncos are one of two undefeated teams in the nation along with Alabama.  They are breaking records and making history and we could not be more thrilled that Jackson is playing a big part of it on the offensive line.  In fact, they were rated as the fourth best offensive line in the country this past week.

This graphic is all telling about the amazing year these Broncos have had this year.  There is a definite contrast in programs, but to be in an elite class with Alabama is huge for our boys.  
By the way, the only Bowl Game win was last Christmas at the Bahamas Bowl.
My post on "Christmas in the Bahamas" can be read HERE!

For the second time ever in the Mid America Conference (MAC) history, they will host the ESPN Game Day.  This time it will be on the Western Michigan campus before the game against Buffalo on Saturday.  In college sports realms this is a big deal.
 This is an interesting article and a bit of interesting trivia:

Needless to say, we will be glued to the TV at 2:30 CT on ESPNU to watch our Broncos make it 11-0.  Should you watch, look for #65 on the OLine!

It is finally feeling like FALL in our neck of the woods! We awoke to a crisp temperature in the lower 40's this morning and it was most welcome. However, true to Louisiana weather, stick around because it we be changing soon.  Yep, we will be back into the 80's before weeks end. Culture Outing Yesterday, Hubby and I went to our local Little Theater for the final production of  "The Miracle Worker." The main characters could not have done a better job.  Their performance was amazi...

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Beauty Without & Within Each of Us

On this Tuesday, I am choosing to pray and leave the election results to my Sovereign Heavenly Father.

Instead of wringing my hands, I have chosen to think about something beautiful.
And that is - each of us!

Yes, the beauty and diversity found in everyone of us.
No two of us are the same and yet we are equally as beautiful and unique.

We talk so much about skin color and skin type these days and much of it with a negative connotation.  There have been major uprisings and killings this year based solely on the color of a person or person's skin.

If we were stripped of our outer layer of skin, or appearance, our composition would still be the same.  A beating heart and two lungs are equivalent across the board, no matter how much or how little melanin is present.
Each and every one of us is both mentally and physically unique.  That is what makes our existence so great.  We need to stop putting people into boxes and start expanding the potential for good and accept the differences.
Everyone is different.  From brown-skinned Queens,
 to fair-skinned men and women, from blue eyes to irises dark as night, from freckled to olive complexion,
there is no wrong way to be.
 Some of us are blended, some of us have unique genetics which make for very rare differences.  It is these qualities that make us absolutely incredible.
Adalia Rose
As children, many of us sang the song,
"Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World, red and yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight," then grew into adults and promptly forgot it.
Think about what this world would be if all had been created visually the same.  We weren't!
And that is the greatest thing of all.

Love yourself!
Love others!
Spread love!
Watch the world around you change in infinite ways for the better.

There is so much beauty in diversity!
Embrace the beauty in yourself and around you!

On this Tuesday, I am choosing to pray and leave the election results to my Sovereign Heavenly Father. Instead of wringing my hands, I have chosen to think about something beautiful. And that is - each of us! Yes, the beauty and diversity found in everyone of us. No two of us are the same and yet we are equally as beautiful and unique. We talk so much about skin color and skin type these days and much of it with a negative connotation.  There have been major uprisings and killin...

Monday, November 7, 2016

Just A Hodgepodge of Stuff

Since we did not have our usual Wednesday Hodgepodge last week, I am going to have my own

This past week was another eventful week sports wise for a couple of our grands.

The Western Michigan Broncos are one of five undefeated teams in the nation and now 9-0.
For the third week in a row they are ranked in the top 25 national teams, and possibly heading to a New Years Day Bowl game.
This great picture of our Big Boy #65 was captured and I love the intensity on that handsome face.  His quarterback called him one of the toughest on the offensive line.

 Not to be outdone by her big brother's teams success, Savannah's Penn H. S. girl's soccer team won State in the Indiana Class 2A championship.
She is on the right #33.  They are some very proud girls and rightly so.  They were denied the title last year by one point.  We were able to watch the game on the computer and it was championship play for sure.
Jackson's coach allowed him to take time off to go to Indianapolis to support his little sister in her last high school soccer match.

Meet the Herdmans
Our youngest granddaughter will be playing the part of Gladys in the "Creative Arts for Christ" production of "The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever" at the Eiseman Performing Arts Theater in Richardson, Texas Thanksgiving weekend. She is the fierce looking one at the top middle.
We can't wait to see both performances.
For her 4th grand class Career Day last week, she dressed up as an actress.  Yes, she has the acting bug.  I think she looks very Audrey Hepburn-isc.

I mentioned in a previous post that a friend had asked me to paint something for her refurbished guest bath.  This was the finished product and I think she was pleased.  It certainly brightened the room.

This morning I took a walk around the neighborhood after coming back from the gym and I was struck by the conflict of seasons so typical of this part of the south.
 Beautiful late blooming trumpets,
 gorgeous, full red roses,
 colorful fall leaves on lush green grass,
 pecans waiting to be released from their crusty shells,
 Azaleas and Shasta Daisies,
Bougainvillea, ferns, and fall mums at the door.

Yes, the south is an interesting place to live, indeed.

And one more thing!

After tomorrow,
I do however, pray for the grace to live with the results.

Since we did not have our usual Wednesday Hodgepodge last week, I am going to have my own MONDAY HODGEPODGE. This past week was another eventful week sports wise for a couple of our grands. The Western Michigan Broncos are one of five undefeated teams in the nation and now 9-0. For the third week in a row they are ranked in the top 25 national teams, and possibly heading to a New Years Day Bowl game. This great picture of our Big Boy #65 was captured and I love the intensity on that h...