Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Late Summer Post

My blogging has been rather sporadic this summer but I always look forward to participating with Joyce and others for the Hodgepodge.
1. It's National Waffle Day (August 24th)...what decision are you currently 'waffling over'? (or share one you've recently 'waffled over')

What clothes to pack for an upcoming trip.  (See #8)  We will be attending both noon and evening football games in Illinois and Michigan so will need to take something for two seasons.

2. It's the middle of August, but I'm already seeing lots of autumn-related posts. Do you think we rush the seasons? If so, does that bother you? I saw (here) an end of summer bucket list that included-

make s'mores, read a new (or favorite) book in the park, eat something delicious and bad for you at a state fair, be a tourist for the day, have a pot luck picnic, book a last minute summer getaway, relax by or in the pool, take a hike to watch the sunset, have a day on the lake, try a new summer recipe

Which activities on the list might you squeeze in before summer officially comes to a close?

Take a last minute summer getaway, although planned for several weeks (See #8)

3. Your favorite summertime 'art' found in nature?

Early morning sunrise.

4. Stephen R. Covey is quoted as saying 'We judge ourselves by our intentions, and others by their actions.' Agree or no? Do you define yourself based on your intentions, your actions, or something else?

Yes, I agree with this statement and I acknowledge that I have been guilty.  I define myself as a child of the King and a follower of Jesus Christ.  I would hope that others would see this and base their opinions of me accordingly; however, that is not always the case, I'm sorry to say.

5. Are you useful in a crisis? Elaborate. 

Yes, in most incidences that I have had to face, I am.  I am not an initiator however, but am happy to assist.  If there is a leader vacuum, I tend to be assertive, but if there is someone in charge, I am usually happy to follow -  as long as I agree with the way things are going.  Otherwise, I may try to do it my way.

6. What's been your go-to dish this summer? Is it something you'll continue making as the seasons change?

I really haven't had a go-to dish for the summer.  Thinking back, I'm not sure what we've eaten this summer.  It all seems a hodgepodge of last minute throwing something together depending on our mood and time.

7. Adult coloring books are a thing now. Have you jumped on the bandwagon? If not is this something you think you might enjoy?

I downloaded an app on my iPad that I enjoyed for a while, but tired of it after paying to have access to all the varied colors.  I did enjoy it and will probably pick it up again from time to time.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

My post cervical fusion twelve-week check-up is Sept. 1 in Mishawaka, IN.  Hubby suggested that rather than going straight there as we usually do when visiting our son and family there, that we take a side trip and visit the Smokies.  So, we have rented a cabin in Gatlinburg, TN for a few nights.
 On Saturday, Sept. 3, we will get to see our Big Boy grandson play his first football game of his senior year.  We are expecting good things from the Western Michigan University (WMU) Broncos as they meet Northwestern U in Evanston, IL.  We will also get to see the first home game for the Broncos the next weekend before heading home.
Granddaughter #4 plays varsity soccer so we will get to watch her play a game or two.  And, I look forward to hearing Granddaughter #5 play the piano.  Of course, we don't want to forget about the parents.  It is always a joy to be with our grown-up kids.
It is good to be with family and participate in activities which they take for granted and we deem as monumental.

By the way, if you would like to see America's most expensive home for sale, click HERE!
And it can be yours for a mere $195 million.

I will see you back on the Hodgepodge when we return.

My blogging has been rather sporadic this summer but I always look forward to participating with Joyce and others for the Hodgepodge. 1. It's National Waffle Day (August 24th)...what decision are you currently 'waffling over'? (or share one you've recently 'waffled over') What clothes to pack for an upcoming trip.  (See #8)  We will be attending both noon and evening football games in Illinois and Michigan so will need to take something for two seasons. 2. It's the middle of August,...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It's All About the Gold

One of the things I always look forward to on Tuesday is reading and responding to Joyce's
probing and thought provoking questions for the

1. Are you watching the Olympics? Your favorite summer Olympic event? I read recently a list of the most iconic Olympic moments in history...what stands out in your mind as a great moment from some past summer Olympic games?

Yes, I have watched a good bit of the Olympics this week.  My favorites are of course swimming and gymnastics, but I have also enjoyed watching Rugby this year.  It is a newly added sport and it is so exciting.  Since our grandson played Rugby in HS, we have an elementary understanding and a deep appreciation for the game. Direct TV has given us access to several options of sports and events taking place all during the day and I have enjoyed watching these.

There are actually three events that stand out in my mind as iconic moments.
First would be USA's Rulon Gardner's 1984 wrestling match against the Russian wrestler who hadn't lost a match in 13 years and had a brutal reputation.  Rulon was just a country boy who worked hard on his little farm.  In overtime, he dominated and had a major upset for the Gold metal.
Second, is Mary Lou Retton's spectacular Gold Metal All Around performance in gymnastics, also in 1984.  She was the first American to receive this Gold Metal honor.  Mary Lou had injured her knee and had surgery only a short time earlier and no one was sure she would be able to compete much less dominate.

Third, and perhaps most memorable was in 1992 in Barcelona, when British runner, Derek Redmond tore his hamstring during a semi-final race and his father ran onto the track and helped his son complete the race.  Amazing!
2. Have you ever been to Rio?  No
How about the place that started it all-GreeceYes!!!
Have you ever been to any of the Olympic Games in person?  No
Is that something you'd like to do?  Yes, perhaps if it was held in the USA.
Have you ever met an Olympian in person?  No

3. The ball's in their court (tennis), cross the finish line (track and field), on target (archery), make a splash (diving), on a roll (gymnastics), out of one's depth (swimming)...which Olympic-related idiom best applies to your life right now? Explain.

make a splash (diving) - I was able to get back to the gym this morning after letting my abused hip heal for a couple weeks and spent my time in the pool.  That will be the extent of my workouts until after my neck checkup in Sept. and eventual hip surgery.

4. What have you earned a 'gold medal' in recently?

Enjoying my granddaughter's visit last week.  We did so many fun things and we both earned a gold medal.

5. What is it (or who is it) that motivates you to eat right, exercise, and do what you can to be healthy?

My motivation comes from knowing I don't have a choice if I want to be mobile as I get older.

6. Are you young at heart or an old soul? Explain.

I think I'm probably both.  My grandchildren tell me I'm the youngest of the grandmothers of their friends regardless of my age and that makes me feel good.  But I also know that I am an old soul when it comes to morals and expectations.

7. It's National S'mores Day (August 10th)...are you a fan? Will you celebrate with a s'more today?

Nope and nope!

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

This is as close to making a political statement as I will go.

One of the things I always look forward to on Tuesday is reading and responding to Joyce's probing and thought provoking questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge. 1. Are you watching the Olympics? Your favorite summer Olympic event? I read recently a list of the most iconic Olympic moments in history...what stands out in your mind as a great moment from some past summer Olympic games? Yes, I have watched a good bit of the Olympics this week.  My favorites are of course swimming and gymnast...