Monday, April 27, 2015

A Look Ahead and Behind

What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been.  A week in Vegas, a weekend in Dallas for Granddaughter's shower, then two days in Little Rock, AR and then back to Dallas this past weekend for Granddaughter #6 Children's Choir program.

By the way, I did not get one single picture of our visit in Little Rock and only one from the large screen of Granddaughter's program.  Shame on me! But, she was adorable and the program was great.
She is the pretty one in the pink dress.

We have loved every minute of being with family and friends and I haven't missed the housework  one iota!

However, with no trips on the horizon, guess what!  It's time to concentrate on the house this week.

So, Hello Housework!
 Do you have a specific order for doing your house cleaning?  Like certain days for dusting or doing the floors or bathrooms?  I did, that is until retirement happened and I realized I could do it anytime I wanted.  And hence the problem!  I seldom want!

So, again, Hello Housework Discipline!
It's got to be done, so no more putting off certain mundane chores.

Hello Pictures from Vegas Trip!
I thought I might regale you with a few pictures from our trip that I happen to really like and want to see again.
Hello Rest of the Week!
May yours be a blessed one.

What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been.  A week in Vegas, a weekend in Dallas for Granddaughter's shower, then two days in Little Rock, AR and then back to Dallas this past weekend for Granddaughter #6 Children's Choir program. By the way, I did not get one single picture of our visit in Little Rock and only one from the large screen of Granddaughter's program.  Shame on me! But, she was adorable and the program was great. She is the pretty one in the pink dress. We have lo...

Monday, April 20, 2015

Say Yes to the Dress!

That's right,
I said "YES" to the dress!

I went to Dallas on Friday to shop with a friend prior to granddaughter's bridal shower on Saturday.  She had lined up several places for us to go including the famous Neiman Marcus.  But that was second on the list and became irrelevant after the first store.

I will save the pictures until the wedding but just let it be known that I also came home not only with the dress, but shoes and accessories.  It was meant to be!  And of course, I know that God honored my prayer to find what He wanted me to have.

It is perfect as it could only be!

Now, let me show you a few shots of the shower which was hosted by daughter's best friends.  It was such a lovely day and granddaughter got so many nice things with which to begin housekeeping.

The lovely hostesses.
 Mom and daughters
Bride-to-be with mother and sister of groom-to-be
Beautiful sisters
 One of the sweet arrangements for the special day
 A lovely table of delectables
 The parents of the groom-to-be gave them a gorgeous set of wine glasses and cake knife and server for the reception.  Chandler loves lots of bling!  Such a thoughtful gift!
She received so many useful things.  These are only a few.
So grateful to be part of such a special day for such a special couple.

That's right, I said "YES" to the dress! I went to Dallas on Friday to shop with a friend prior to granddaughter's bridal shower on Saturday.  She had lined up several places for us to go including the famous Neiman Marcus.  But that was second on the list and became irrelevant after the first store. I will save the pictures until the wedding but just let it be known that I also came home not only with the dress, but shoes and accessories.  It was meant to be!  And of course, I know tha...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Taxing to the Hit Parade

After being away from any kind of blogging for a week, it is good to be back with my fellow
Thank you Joyce for bringing us together again this week with some "taxing" questions.
1. Speaking of April 15th...what's the most 'taxing' thing you've done recently?

Ridden in lots and lots of taxis.  We returned on Monday from a week in Vegas where we stayed in a lovely, huge hotel at the end of the strip called Mandalay Bay.  Son had a medical conference there.  It is a great place with so many amenities, but it is at the end and not in the middle of the strip, thereby requiring a taxi to maneuver.  I'm not complaining; just reality.  There was a lot of 'taxing'.

2. When did you last take a taxi somewhere and where was that somewhere?

Last time?  Monday morning from Mandalay Bay to the McCarron International Airport
in Las Vegas.
 It was interesting to note the different personalities of the drivers.  Some were just as chatty as they could be, some served as a tour guide with all sorts of local information and trivia, and others never opened their mouth.  It was obvious who really enjoyed their job and those to whom it was only a job.

3. What's something you can do today that you couldn't do a year ago?

Oh gracious!  At my age the question should be, "What's something you can't do today that you could do a year ago?"  Things a changin' and fast!  Actually, I am doing some weight exercises that I wasn't doing a year ago.  And I have painted some different type paintings than I thought I could a year ago.

4. How often is chicken (in some form or fashion) on your menu at home? Which of the following would you most like to see on your table tonight...a chicken salad sandwich, your mom's fried chicken, a Chick-fil-A meal, Cracker Barrel's chicken n' dumplings, a roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings, or 'hold the chicken, I'm a vegetarian'...?

Chicken finds its way to our table maybe a couple times a week.  I like to buy the Rotisserie Chickens at Sams, bone it for salads and freeze the rest to pull out for stir fry during the week.  We will occasionally have a chicken breast prepared in a variety of ways with veggies.

I'm not going with any of those choices because I plan to make a big Chipotle salad since we have eaten much too well this past week.  They all sound good though.

5. What was your favorite television program when you were a kid? What characters do you remember the most?

"Your Hit Parade!" I couldn't wait for Saturday evening, to watch the most popular and bestselling songs of the week being sung and acted out by some of the most popular voices of the day.  I most remember the following singers and dancers.  It ran from 1950 - 1959.  Black and White!
Your Hit Parade's TV vocalists (top, l. to r.): Snooky Lanson, Russell Arms and (bottom, l. to r.) Dorothy Collins, Gisèle MacKenzie.

This is a classic:  "Hot Diggity (Dog Zittity, Boom what you do to me)

6. What was the last piece of 'art' you made?

I did a small painting for a friend.

7. What frustrates you most about the Internet?

That it can be so slow sometimes.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
 A couple blogs back I mentioned that I loved my new Soft Surrounding lace top and would be wearing it to several up-coming occasions.
 I wore it to my nephew's wedding and thought it was perfect.  This is a picture of me with my middle sister, Gin on the right and the youngest, Sarah, the mother of the groom, in the center.
And then, into the suitcase it went for our trip to Vegas.  Last Friday night we went to see the Elton John Million Dollar Piano show at Caesar's Palace.  The piano is directly behind us.
Again, I pulled out my favorite top and dressed it up with multiple strands of pearls and felt very suitably attired for our VIP seating.  Hubby didn't look bad himself!
By the way, the show was great!
 Do you have a favorite top you like to dress up or down depending on the occasion?

After being away from any kind of blogging for a week, it is good to be back with my fellow Hodgepodgers. Thank you Joyce for bringing us together again this week with some "taxing" questions. 1. Speaking of April 15th...what's the most 'taxing' thing you've done recently? Ridden in lots and lots of taxis.  We returned on Monday from a week in Vegas where we stayed in a lovely, huge hotel at the end of the strip called Mandalay Bay.  Son had a medical conference there.  It is a great pl...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Let the Celebrations Begin!

This was a menu cover on an Air France flight we took in 1972, Florent Margaritis No. 16

Hubby and I fly out today for a week in Las Vegas with our son and his family as part of celebrating our 
50th Wedding Anniversary this year.

Have a great week and I'll have plenty to share when we get back.

This was a menu cover on an Air France flight we took in 1972, Florent Margaritis No. 16 Hubby and I fly out today for a week in Las Vegas with our son and his family as part of celebrating our  50th Wedding Anniversary this year. Have a great week and I'll have plenty to share when we get back....

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

An Easter Theme Hodgepodge

Happy Easter Week!
It is always a good week when Hodgepodgers can meet together with

1. In honor of the date...when were you last sent on a 'fool's errand'?

I hate to pass on the very first question, but I can't think of anything relating to this.

2. Peter Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, The Energizer Bunny, The Easter Bunny, Rabbit (Pooh's friend), White Rabbit (of Wonderland fame), or the Trix Rabbit...which of these 'famous' rabbits can you best relate to right now?

I guess Peter Rabbit.  I feel like I am literally hopping down the bunny trail right now on several levels, both by choice and some not of my choosing.

3. When did you last find yourself scrambling to get something done? Explain.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow?  Lots to get done this busy week, but it's all good and either will or will not get done and that's alright.  Except of course, the clothes into the suitcase by Monday morning is not an option.

4. Last time you were up at the literal crack of dawn? Why? Last time you stayed up all night? Why?

I am awake quite often at the crack of dawn because of a crazy sleep pattern.  But on a regular basis I am up and going before dawn to get to the gym every morning.  And this is retirement?  I have not deliberately stayed up all night in a mighty long time and it would have been because of an emergency; however, I have stayed up all night due to insomnia.

5. Crack a book, crack a bottle, crack a joke, crack an egg...which have you done most recently?

Crack an egg.

6. What's your favorite part of a typical weekend? Tell us why that's so.

Sunday morning and evening.  Sunday mornings are times of worship and Bible Study and on Sunday evenings we meet with a special group of friends for prayer and communion.  This is a special time.

7. What's something I'd find on a bookshelf in your home? Other than a book I mean!

There are plaques of recognition for both Hubby and me, and a few framed pictures but mostly books.  We have two bookcases in our office with one containing only commentaries and Bible study material.  The other contains inspirational and informational books and material.  I have actually run out of display space due to the volume of books.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

On Monday's blog, I mentioned that I have been converting slides and storing them on my computer.  I found another box of old slides yesterday and just had to share with you a few precious Easter pics from years ago.  My kids are now 45 and 43 but they may always remain this age in my heart.
Easter 1973
Easters 1972, 1974, 1975

Happy Easter Week! It is always a good week when Hodgepodgers can meet together with Joyce @ From the Other Side of the Pond for 1. In honor of the date...when were you last sent on a 'fool's errand'? I hate to pass on the very first question, but I can't think of anything relating to this. 2. Peter Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, The Energizer Bunny, The Easter Bunny, Rabbit (Pooh's friend), White Rabbit (of Wonderland fame), or the Trix Rabbit...which of these 'famous' rabbits can you best re...