Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Advice, Small Talk and Regeneration

I had thought I would be on a blog hiatus while visiting our family, but who can pass up participating with Joyce on Wednesdays?
So after reading my post, please join others Here for our Hodgepodge hook-up.

1. April 22nd is Earth Day. Are you inspired by nature? In what way?

Oh yes I am.  In fact, I will finish this post with a few pictures I snapped on Monday afternoon of emerging signs of spring around this midwest home that has seen its worst winter in decades.  There are so many signs of God's amazing plan for creation.
2. Down to earth, four corners of the earth, move heaven and earth, not have an earthly chance, or salt of the earth...which earthly idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.

On Sunday, we were part of a three family Easter lunch sharing time. (See Monday's post below).  I think the best way to describe these friendly, inclusive, loving folks is just plain "down to earth." Their good solid Christian values and the lack of any pretense is always so refreshing.  These qualities are precious regardless of the part of country one comes from.
Watching a funny YouTube video.
3. Share one piece of advice you might give a newly engaged couple.

Just one?  Heavens, you know that is not possible for us bloggers!  But for the sake of readability and cooperation, I'll try.
1.   Use this engagement time to really get to know each other and cement the mutual commitments to always put Christ first in your own life and that of your marriage, and that divorce will never be an option.

Okay, so maybe I crammed more than one in that answer, but I feel the engagement period is a time to firm up those bonds that will hold two very different people together when life becomes more than lace and roses.

4. When did you last engage someone to perform a job, task, service, home repair, or improvement? On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the best) how would you rate their work and/or your satisfaction with the job or service provided?

The last big project was enclosing our back porch into a sun room last spring.  I rate the completed job a 10.

5. When did you last find yourself engaged in small talk? Are you awkward or an expert or somewhere in between?

Again, refer to the answer of #1.  I spent a few minutes visiting with the mother of our host.  I really enjoyed getting to know her and we had a few things in common.  But, as a rule, I am not a small talker, or as we call it in the south, a chit-chatter.  I tire of this very quickly and am ready to move on.  Chit-chatters just wear me out.  I much prefer to speak and move on to an observatory position.

6.  What was the last historic place you visited?

I featured this in a former post that can be found HereIt is the McCoy Plantation where slave Samuel Northrup, whose story was told in the movie "12 Years a Slave", last lived before gaining his freedom.  It is now part of the "Northrup Trail" in central Louisiana.  

7. The world would be a better place if we just__________________________.
  • "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you....." Matthew 5:44
  • We are to mimic God as His children and "walk in love, just as Christ also loved us and gave Himself up for us..... Ephesians 5:1-2
  • Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and others more than yourself.
  • Keep and treasure in your heart the Ten Commandments.
  8.  Insert your own random thought here.
 Signs of Nature and Regeneration
"He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life."  Titus 3:5-7

I had thought I would be on a blog hiatus while visiting our family, but who can pass up participating with Joyce on Wednesdays? So after reading my post, please join others Here for our Hodgepodge hook-up. 1. April 22nd is Earth Day. Are you inspired by nature? In what way? Oh yes I am.  In fact, I will finish this post with a few pictures I snapped on Monday afternoon of emerging signs of spring around this midwest home that has seen its worst winter in decades.  There are so many signs...

Monday, April 21, 2014

First Week in Michiana

We arrived just in time for what will probably be the last snow of "Winter 2014"
It wasn't a lot of snow, but
after having one of the worst pollen seasons in the south, my sinuses welcomed the fresh crisp, cold air.

 One reason for coming up this early in the spring was to see Grandson Jackson play in the Western Michigan University Spring Football Kickoff Practice.
 Since this was just a scrimmage, Jackson played three different positions -
Left Offensive Guard with the 1st string, Center with the 2nd, and Tackle for all extra points.

He did really well in all positions, but will probably be starting at right guard for the regular season.  I know, go figure.
 After the game, the guys were stationed around the field in order to sign signatures.  Even his little sis got into the act with a very personal one.
 One of Jackson's best buds even made the trip to support him.  Now, that's a sweet friendship!
Of course, I couldn't miss an opportunity to be seen with my only grandson.

Easter Sunday
We attended the Saturday evening worship service because Michelle and the girls were volunteers in the nursery for Sunday morning services.  Sunday afternoon was spent with some of our family's good friends.
  The food was delicious and the fellowship sweet.

Before lunch, the kids enjoyed a game of soccer, which mostly ended up being a one-on-one between Savannah and Clay.
 After lunch it was time for the dads to hide the Easter Eggs.
 However, they could take it seriously only so long and then it had to become a game.
 Everyone found their share plus each had a special egg containing a $20 bill that they had to find.
You mothers will appreciate that Jackson was not content with just a paper sack like the others but had to use his mother's NEW white leather Coach bag for collecting his eggs.
Nothing like a hunky diva!

It was a great day and we were grateful to share it with our loving family and their friends.

Monday We arrived just in time for what will probably be the last snow of "Winter 2014" It wasn't a lot of snow, but after having one of the worst pollen seasons in the south, my sinuses welcomed the fresh crisp, cold air. Saturday  One reason for coming up this early in the spring was to see Grandson Jackson play in the Western Michigan University Spring Football Kickoff Practice.  Since this was just a scrimmage, Jackson played three different positions - Left Offensive Guar...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

And Spring Came in a'Springing

Has Spring Come to Your House Yet?

Along with tons of pollen, Spring has come a'springing at our house.

How better to share it with you than from my camera?
Double Camellia laden with pollen dust

Snapdragons are happy, happy, happy right now.
 We Southerners love our Azaleas and they are just about to explode in Northwest Louisiana.

We love hearing the early morning chirping and cooing of birds, and one family decided to make their new home up close and personal.  They were quite ambitious by the size of some of the twigs they thought they could use for building materials.

With all the evidence of spring outside, I thought I also needed to bring some inside.
 The wooden bird was carved by a street vendor in Jamaica several years ago.
Through the years we have acquired a number of Andrea porcelain birds that I treasure.  So I decided to display a couple of the smaller ones on the coffee table.
 This one is musical and was given to me many years ago by a very special friend.
 I found this adorable tray at Tuesday Morning several weeks ago and thought it was perfect for my spring coffee table.
 I love the whimsy of the feather and twine balls in this arrangement.
 Some of my other Andrea birds are kept in my secretary along with a 1978 Limited Edition Lenox Plate of Boehm Birds titled "Mockingbirds."
 And, this is my cozy early evening living room bedecked for spring.
You will notice I even added a couple bird pillows on the sofa.
One of mine and my husbands favorite feature of our home is the effect of the morning sun as it plays in our living room.
  As you celebrate Spring and Easter in your home, my prayer is that you will know and celebrate the Peace of the Risen Lord and the Light He brings into your life.

Has Spring Come to Your House Yet? Along with tons of pollen, Spring has come a'springing at our house. How better to share it with you than from my camera? Double Camellia laden with pollen dust Snapdragons are happy, happy, happy right now.  We Southerners love our Azaleas and they are just about to explode in Northwest Louisiana. We love hearing the early morning chirping and cooing of birds, and one family decided to make their new home up close and personal.  The...