I worked and worked on my Friday post yesterday and when I was ready to finally publish, it disappeared. I guess it is floating around in cyberspace somewhere. Who knows? Well here we go again with an abbreviated version.
I am doing a recap of some of my favorite memories and pictures from our month-long visit with family and a fun night with friends. So here goes AGAIN! Thanks Rachel for hosting
When we are at our son's in Granger, Indiana, I always pay a visit to South Bend which is only a matter of a mile or two from their house. Because my family drove a couple Studebakers when I was child, and I have very pleasant memories of playing in those classy cars, not to mention taking many a pretend adventure behind the wheel, I have an affinity for this, the home of the Studebaker Family.
This is the original home of Clem Studebaker, the founder. Behind this home is the Studebaker and Natural History Museums. They are both very interesting and worth a visit if you are in the area.
Here I am standing next to a model like we had when I was approximately 9 years old. A real classy car, huh?
In 1884, Clem decided he should build a much larger home in keeping with his position in the country, so the next year he began building the final Studebaker Mansion. It was completed in 1889. This home has approximately 40 rooms, 20 uniquely different fireplaces and close to 24,000 sq. ft on 4 flours. The woodwork is unbelievable! Now get this! The total cost plus furnishing was $350,000. Unbelievable in today's market right? It was named Tippecanoe Place.
Eight months after moving in, a fire destroyed the top of the home. After an additional $100,000 to rebuild and refurbish, the home still stands.
George, a son of Clem who inherited the home, declared bankruptcy in 1933 and until 1988, was used by various agencies and for various purposes until it was purchased and became the
Tippecanoe Place Restaurant, as it remains today. A great place to eat! And don't forget to ask for a tour of the place. By the way, it is reported to be haunted!
I never go to South Bend without driving through the Notre Dame campus. You can't miss the beautiful Golden Dome in the middle of the Campus.
Or, the "Touchdown Jesus" mosaic on the Library. This gold enhanced design got its name because it can be seen between the north goal posts in the famous football stadium as seen below.
By the way, each entrance to the stadium is named for a former Notre Dame coach. Interesting!
God's spotlight on Savannah! My absolute favorite picture of her.
Father and son sharing a fun moment. Love it!
One of the creative things I did while there was to create this two-sided poster for grandson Jackson's Rugby Banquet. It was so much fun to re-create his fantastic 2012 Rugby season in this way. I trust it will be a keepsake for him.
Before we left, Dick took this picture of me with my two Indiana girls. Aren't they precious?
We got home in time to make a flying trip to Dallas to see our littlest granddaughter in her second dance recital. Need I say more?
Even her big sisters let me be seen with them. Love those girls!
After all the traveling, it was good to get with friends at home again. Cele and Randy prepared a delicious picnic and invited us to attend an "Evening with Jazz" event in downtown Shreveport. The breeze from the river and the enjoyable music, not to mention the company, made a great evening.
And that folks are my Favorite Friday ramblings.
I worked and worked on my Friday post yesterday and when I was ready to finally publish, it disappeared. I guess it is floating around in cyberspace somewhere. Who knows? Well here we go again with an abbreviated version.
I am doing a recap of some of my favorite memories and pictures from our month-long visit with family and a fun night with friends. So here goes AGAIN! Thanks Rachel for hosting
Friday Favorites.
When we are at our son's in Granger, In...