I am again joining Joyce for
Wednesday Hodgepodge. I had so much fun last week that I decided to come back once again. I hope you enjoy reading my hodgepodge as I enjoy writing about it.
1. Spring is in the air (at least in my neck of the woods) and the birds are
singing...what's your favorite bird?
It would just have to be the dove!
We have so many beautiful doves in our neighborhood and I love to hear their cooing as they communicate early in the mornings. We had a family of doves that roosted above one of the columns on our front porch each year. But, although it was a daily adventure for me to stand at my front door and watch them, they created such a mess that hubby decided we could no longer provide a maternity ward for them. I still miss them and I'm not at all sure they have forgiven us for that.
2. Speaking of birds...do you tweet? If so tell us your screen name and
we'll come flocking to your Twitter site. Even if you don't let's all pretend
here that we do-in 140 characters or less, sum up your week so far.
Elizabeth L. Day - Reading, blogging, cooking, exercising, time with friends, ringing bells.
3. Its been reported recently that employers are not only viewing the
facebook pages of potential hires but they're also requesting your facebook
password to have a look at what you've kept from public view. What say
I say "No thank you!" We have finally instilled in our grandchildren that they need to be very careful what they post on Facebook for this very reason; however, I do feel that requesting passwords is going too far. Still, there is very little that remains private any more, so we must be so careful that we do not do or say anything that might be harmful to ourselves or others now or in the future.
That being said, as a retiree, I take every opportunity to express myself openly on Facebook and Twitter regarding my political views. It is too serious a time in our country to be quiet.
4. It's April and you know what that means-Major League Baseball is back in
action. What's your favorite baseball movie? If that's too hard, what's your
favorite sports themed movie?
Well, who doesn't love "Field of Dreams" or the more recent football movie, "Moneyball?"
But my all-time favorite sports themed movie is "Hoosiers." The story of the Indiana High School basketball team who won state against all odds.
Indiana State High School Championship Game: Husker
Team Pre-Talk and Prayer
5. Something else this season brings-asparagus. Yes please or no thanks? If
it's yes please what's your favorite way to have it prepared?
This is an easy one! YES!! My family used to give me a can of Asparagus for Christmas each year. What does that tell ya, huh? Actually, back in the late 50's our precious dad would have a plate of canned asparagus with a dollop of mayo ready for us when we got off the bus. It was our favorite after school snack. Still sweet memories of this today!
Today, I enjoy it roasted or grilled but fresh from a can will always be my favorite way to eat it.
6. What drives you? (Don't you love how I sandwiched that one in between
asparagus and jugglers???)
I would have to say first and foremost it is my relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the reason I live and without Him I am nothing. He has given me the desire to excel at whatever I do; it is He who blessed me with talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses; it is He who gives me the focus and interests and the ability to "do all things through [Christ] who gives me strength."
7. April 18th is International Jugglers Day...can you juggle?
I used to juggle schedules and activities, but I fear this is not exactly the kind of juggling to which you refer. NO, I am not a juggler in any stretch of the imagination.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I have always admired Tennessee Basketball Coach Pat Summitt, even though I was a huge supporter of the Lady Techsters, their arch rival for many years. Recently, Coach Summitt was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. I have read several articles about her fight against this horrible disease, but recently I read something she said that really impressed me. When asked why she started her foundation she had this to say:
"I did not want to waste the opportunity to use the platform that God gave me to help others."
When asked what advice she would offer others dealing with the disease, she said:
"If you are dealing with a diagnosis for yourself or a loved one, continue to live fully. Life can be challenging, but we all have more abilities than disabilities. You are a gift to your family and the world. Make the world a better place one person at a time."
I think this is good advice whether we have a dreaded disease or not, but thank you Pat Summitt for being our inspiration.
I am again joining Joyce for Wednesday Hodgepodge. I had so much fun last week that I decided to come back once again. I hope you enjoy reading my hodgepodge as I enjoy writing about it.
1. Spring is in the air (at least in my neck of the woods) and the birds are
singing...what's your favorite bird?
It would just have to be the dove!
We have so many beautiful doves in our neighborhood and I love to hear their cooing as they communicate early in the mornings. We had a family of doves...