Thursday, July 28, 2011
I know I said I would be back this week to talk about "Color," but because this retirement life is busier than I anticipated, I haven't had the time required to put it all together. I promise to get it done early next week. Thanks for your patience and for coming back....
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I think all of us have done this at some time or other and perhaps some of us more than others.
If I told you I could simplify this process for you, would you be interested?
Sound like something you'd like to do? Then come back and next time we will talk about the importance of knowing the right colors for you.
Do you have trouble deciding what to wear on any given day? Do you ever enter your closet and stand waiting for some sort of inspiration to overwhelm you? Do you ever wonder what in the world possessed you to buy some of the things hanging in your closet? I think all of us have done this at some time or other and perhaps some of us more than others. If I told you I could simplify this process for you, would you be interested? It can be as easy as knowing the "Top 10 Secrets for Building a...
Friday, July 15, 2011
With that in mind I was reminded of a recent article written by Natalie Livingstone for Vogue Magazine about Charlene Wittstock, now the bride of Prince Albert of Monaco. Wittstock made this statement:
"Finding my fashion feet has certainly been the biggest challenge," she says, remembering her 'trial by fire' at Monaco's 2007 Red Cross Ball. "I was literally a fish out of water. I thought it was all fun, fun, fun, and didn't give my outfit any thought. I had been playing beach volleyball all day, painted my nails red, and threw on a green dress. I thought I looked great at the time, but looking back, I realize that my debut into Monaco society should have been better executed!"Has this ever happened to you? It sure has to me! There have been times when I either did not put enough thought into my appearance for a particular event or totally misjudged the appropriateness of my attire.
I will never forget thinking I looked pretty cute for a class I attended only to be told that I evidently dressed only to get attention. This judgmental statement angered me at first and I let the person know how much I resented the remark; however, afterward I realized that my accuser had actually done me a favor. My appearance had mistakenly conveyed a false message about me.
Charlene Wittstock claims that from her embarrassing experience she learned how to dress more suitably for her body and her new role. She watched other people, listened to constructive comments, and sought professional opinions, all of which resulted in the new princess establishing her own personal style. After all, she represents the Prince of Monaco! I think she was pretty successful, don't you?
This week I spent some time shopping with my two oldest granddaughters, 18 and 15, who by the way are absolutely precious and so much fun to be with. As we were looking and trying on, I couldn't help wondering how in the world any young lady today can develop an eye for appropriate clothing. If you have been in a mall lately, you know what I'm talking about. The amount of fabric in any garment is so minimal. I think the designers must have had a contest to see who could make the lowest and...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Well, in reality, I was really not expecting to find the most wholesome information inside this magazine, and was not disappointed. Let me list for you a few of the 85 things on your must-have sexy checklist:
- Strappy heels (Amiclubwear)
- Sheer dress (to be fair, they did state in fine print that you might want to consider getting a slip for this dress)
- Short skirt
- Dress or top with a low back (actually, the picture was more like NO back).
So, with this enlightened take on "Sexy Confidence," I must admit that for most women with whom I spend time, the wearing of these five items would totally destroy what confidence we might have managed to hold over after rearing teenagers. For a very humorous image, try to imagine a bunch of over 60 women tottering around in strappy stilettos, wondering how to hide the varicose veins while wearing that short skirt. For me, that's enough imagery to keep me laughing for some time without even thinking about the see-through dress with no back.
Since it is obvious I will not benefit from "head-turning sexy confidence" following these suggestions, let me share with you three examples of what the Word says about confidence, then how God's special lady can demonstrate His confidence.
In 2 Kings and in 2 Chronicles, we find King Hezekiah being challenged by the King of a powerful opposing nation with a question we need to ask ourselves today: "On what are you basing this confidence of yours?"
Hezekiah gave his answer as he addressed his fearful citizens: "'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because...there is a greater power with us...The Lord our God is with us to help us and to fight our battles.'" And the people gained confidence." (2 Chronicles 32:8)
The prophet Jeremiah wrote as recorded in verse 7 of chapter 17: "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him."
Of course we could never leave out God's amazing servant Paul and what he had to say about this. In Phillippians 3:3 he said, "We boast in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh." Then in 2:24 of that same book he summed it up by saying, "I am confident in the Lord!"
Summary? Godly confidence does not come from shoes or clothes.
Lastly, from the immortal words of Erma Bombeck:
Here's my morning ritual. I open a sleepy eye, take one horrified look at my reflection in the mirror and then repeat with conviction: "I'm me and I'm wonderful. Because God doesn't make junk."
It is true that how we dress and appear in public relays to others our level of self-confidence but I'm saving that topic for another day. But ladies, let me ask you. On what are you basing this confidence of yours? Is it on what you wear, whether your makeup is on or not, how you perceive someone else feels about you? Or is your confidence in the Lord?
Whose mirror are you looking into? Our culture's or our Creator's?
Walk with real confidence my sister "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6) You are God's Special Lady!
As I was sitting in an office waiting on my husband the other day, I couldn't help but notice a headline topic on the front of a magazine: "What's Sexy Now! 85 Secret Tricks to Head-Turning Confidence." Well, being a senior adult woman who likes to think she may still have something sexy about her, even if it is the polish on my toes, I had to look inside. After all, do we ladies ever get too old to want to turn a few heads from time to time? And besides, I'm doing research for my blog, ri...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
As is so often the case with self-employment, self runs out of time to do all self would like or needs to do, thus the demise of "Color Me a Season" ala Libby Day. However, this did not end my interest and study of the subject. As is often God's plan, we have to take zigzag steps in order to begin taking forward steps, and this is how I look at that period of my life.
At the right time, the Lord opened the door for me to begin taking some baby steps back into the public speaking arena. My first opportunity was to co-present a professional development seminar for my peers. My topic was how to put together a Working Wardrobe. The following year, I was asked to present again on a regional basis, then on a state level for the Louisiana Technical College System. This opened other doors of opportunities that eventually led to my presenting to the Executive Assistants for the Louisiana Department of Education. Shortly after this event, I was side-lined because of other job responsibilites.
Now that I am retired, I do not believe the Lord is finished with me, but has only prepared me for other opportunities of service. As Zig Ziglar says, "Not retired, but refired!" This blog is one avenue for me, and I look forward to sharing some interesting tid-bits about practical wardrobe planning, clothing trends and styles, as well as image concepts as we talk about how to enhance our God-given beauty without.
But, for the truly beautiful woman there is always that beauty that comes from within. So, we will always be looking at Biblical truths and see what God's Word has to say.
So, come back often and contribute to the discussion. My opinions will never be the final word on a subject.
First of all, we must be clear about one thing. I am not an expert on any subject and that especially includes the topic of this blog. That being said, although I am not an expert or even close to being one, the topic of "Beauty Without/Within" has been a major interest and concern of mine for many years. Back in the 80's during the Color Analysis era, I had my own buisness called, "Color Me a Season." During this time, I had the opportunity to speak to groups of women all across my state a...
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Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Plano, Texas where my husband and I are very involved in being happy senior adults. You will find that my blog reflects our lives and activities as well as the goings-on of our two grown children and ten grandchildren. There may even be something the Lord leads me to compose and share. Needless to say, we stay busy and sharing our busyness with you makes me happy. I do hope you will stop by and share a cup of tea with me often.
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Weekend Reading 03.08.259 hours ago
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2025 Fashion Trends: Gingham15 hours ago
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I Can Love You Like That2 days ago
You Are Not Your Thoughts1 week ago
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